Chapter 4

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Previously in 'Adopted By Elounor';

"Niall... Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to kiss one of the people playing this game..."

Niall's POV:

"I dare you to kiss someone playing this game..." Zayn dared me.

Wait, what!?

"You're kidding, right?" I chuckled.

"Nope." He replied, popping the p.

I saw Louis look angrily at Zayn, then at me.

Well... I'm not going to kiss any of the guys, cause I am NOT gay...

I could kiss Eleanor, but she's with Louis...

That leaves the wonderful, Alex...

I look over at her and her eyes widen.

"Would you be okay with me kissing you?" I whispered to her.

She nodded her head, her face a bright shade of red.

"Okay... Ready?" I asked her, taking a deep breath.

She nodded her head again, clamping her eyes shut.

I closed my eyes and leaned in.

Our lips came in contact and I felt fireworks go off around the room. Her lips were so soft and gentle, I didn't want us to break apart.

"Enough!" Louis exclaimed.

Alex pulled away, leaving me to feel lonely without her touch.

"Sorry!" Alex gasped, tears forming in her eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked, quickly engulfing her in a hug.

"Let her go!" Harry grunted.

I looked at him.

His face had anger and jealousy written all over it... His fists were clenched and he looked like he was about to pounce at me.

"Niall, let her go." Louis sighed.

I pulled away and saw Alex crying.

Louis' POV:

I shouldn't have raised my voice!

I scared Alex and now she's crying!

My voice wouldn't have been raised if I hadn't let Niall kiss her!

Eleanor rushed to Alex's side and took her to her room, leaving me with the boys.

"What's wrong with you, Harry?" Zayn asked.

Harry shot Zayn daggers.

"Oh my god! Do you like Alex?" Zayn laughed.

"No! She's sixteen!" Harry said hesitantly.

None of these boys are any good for Alex. Yeah, I just met her... But I can tell her and I will have a strong bond. Like father and daughter... If only I can get her to let me in.

Alex's POV:

I feel amazing.

Niall, as in Niall Horan, from One Direction just kissed me.

I can't tell but I thought I felt fireworks... I doubt he did too.

But I can't help but to feel guilty, I mean now all the guys are fighting.... because of me.

I knew me staying with them was going to cause problems, I just didn't see it happening this quickly.

The boys think Harry likes me but I know he doesn't.

He was right I am only sixteen.

What international superstar, wants to date an ugly sixteen year old like me? I mean, for Pete's Sake, my own mother hates me enough to give me a butt whooping everyday! Sometimes even several! That obviously says something!

Harry can have any girl he wants, so why would he pick me?

That's right, he wouldn't.

Harry's POV:

This is weird.

Like, so weird!

As soon as Alex walked- well, was carried into the lobby, my heart stopped...

She's beautiful!

She looks so much older. I honestly thought she was nineteen! But I was proved wrong when we were all getting to know each other better.... She's only sixteen?

From just knowing her this long, I have already become attached to her. I feel something for this girl I have never felt for anyone before... Deep in the pit of my stomach, there's a feeling so unfamiliar it almost feels wrong...

When I saw her injured I felt like shouting at all the fans, even though it was just one. How could someone do that?

I heard all the commotion about someone... Like fans screaming about how ugly someone is, and that this person looks like a slut? I thought a prostitute was going to walk in with Louis and El, but I was taken aback when Louis came in carrying the most stunning and innocent looking girl I have ever seen.

And when Niall kissed her.... Oh God! I thought I was going to kill him!

This is bad! I have strong feelings for a girl I literally just met.... Maybe I should get to know her first? How long will she be with us though?

"Hey, Lou?" I asked Louis who was sitting on the couch, looking upset with himself.

This probably wasn't the best time to be trying to talk to him, but I need to know!

"What?" He spat.

"How long will Alex be with us?"

He paused for a second then looked me in the eyes and said...

"I hope forever..."


This is a thank you chapter :) Expect more soon! :)

And another thing, I dedicated this chapter to my close friend, @LisaSilliker because she has always been there for me and she's an awesome girl! And an a amazing writer! I suggest following her and reading her stories! ;)

If any of you would like a chapter dedicated to you, just comment or post on my message board! THANK YOU ALL!!

Bye for noow!

- Corrina

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