Chapter 15

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Alex's POV:

I walked through the forest in search of firewood for tonight's campfire.

We're leaving to go back home tomorrow, so tonight we're going to have a fun time around the fire.

I heard the snaps of twigs breaking beneath my feet, startling me at some points. Finally, I came across a large pile of thick branches and a larger branch that the boys can cut with the axe.

I started dragging the log behind me when I heard rustling in the bushes. I stopped in my tracks, searching frantically for the cause of the sound.

"Guys? Stop trying to scare me, it isn't funny..." I said, assuming it was one of the boys trying to mess with me.

I heard a deep, throaty chuckle from behind me, one I recognized too well.

"Ch-Chad?" My voice cracked.

"If it isn't my little bitch." He snickered, approaching me slowly.

My next move was something I do quite often it seems... I ran.

I ran as fast as I could, trying to escape the evil trap that is my former step father.

With my luck, just as I was about to reach the campsite I tripped over a root and landed flat on my stomach... Déjà vu much?

"I guess I didn't get the job finished in that alley. But no way I'm going to fail now. Bye, bye bitch." Chad laughed viciously, pointing a gun towards my head.

"No!" I screamed.

"Alex? Alex!" Niall pleaded from beside me.

I hiccuped and sobbed and grabbed onto his hand.

"Y-You're here? I-I'm alive?" I asked.

"Of course you are... Alex, what did you dream about?" Niall asked softly, pulling me into his chest.

"He came back... To kill me." I sobbed.



"Your step fath- well, used-to-be step father?" Niall pried.


"The one who abused you?" Niall asked, somewhat angry.

I nodded my head.

"Alex, don't worry. I promise I will keep you safe from any danger, especially from him. Same with Louis and El. I... I love you." Niall said the last part quietly.

I pulled from his chest and looked into his eyes.

"You mean it? You love me?" I asked, hiding my smile.

"Yeah. I do. I love you, Alex." Niall smiled.

"I love you too." I smiled, kissing him passionately.

"I know we've only been dating for like... Fifteen hours, but I know for sure I'm in love with you. I guess I've known for a long time." Niall said with a wide smile.

"Same. God... How did I get so lucky?" I sighed, hugging Niall.

"Niall! Alex! Time to get ready to go!" Eleanor shouted from outside our door.

I pulled away from Niall and jumped out of bed, walking over to my suitcase and grabbing a bikini, shorts, and a tank top, assuming we'd be getting soaked.

I ran into the bathroom but ran back out just to kiss Niall again.

"Just had to do that since I'm allowed now." I laughed.

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