01: How it Began

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I'm Trinity. 20. College student. Job. Oh, and in love with Jay Drew Bieber. You can say Twitter user JDB94.

I've been in a relationship with Jay over the Internet for almost 3 years. We've never met or even video chatted. Crazy, right? I know.

The first day I talked to him was very interesting.


"Message from JDB94: hi :)" I clicked on the notification, and it opened up Twitter, showing me his DM.

Who was this? I clicked on his profile. His name was Jay B.

9,362 followers. 530 following.

His bio read: DHS Varsity Basketball & Hockey. Singer/Drummer. #PutMeInCoach

I giggled a little at the hashtag.

It said that I followed him, and he followed me. When did I follow him? That's weird.

I decided to click on his Twitter profile picture first.

Oh.my.Jesus. He was...hot.

In the picture, he had his shirt off revealing some tattoos on his chest. I looked at his face, and his hair was up in a quiff. He also had light brown eyes, and pink plump lips.


No guy can be this good-looking. For proof if this was actually him, I scrolled down, until I saw the pictures he posted. Some of them were selfies and some of them were with friends.

It seemed legit. I went back to the DM.

Should I reply or should I not? I clicked on the text box, and my keypad popped up.

Hey :)

Now we wait. About 15 seconds later, he replied. That was fast.

What's up?

Nothing wbu.


Not to be rude, but Do I know you?

No 😁


What's your name?


That's pretty.

Thank you!

No problem. I'm Jay.

Hi, Jay lol

Hey, trinity lmao. Where do you live?

I gasped. Oh my- Is he gonna come to my house and kill me? Kidding.


Cool. I used to live there. I live in Cali now.

That's cool

Lol yeah.

What's up with the random DM?

Well, I was just scrolling through my following list, looking for a pretty girl to talk to, and boom. There you were 😍

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