08: Tragic

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"Oh, shit..." Max said, as we all watched.

The person was getting closer and closer. I then noticed it was a tanned male. They had sunglasses on with a white shirt and khaki shorts...no tattoos were on their arms. I'm pretty sure Jay wouldn't remove his tattoos.

"You think that's him?" Max asked.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

"I don't think he's coming this way..." Max said.

"There's nothing over here, but a vending machine and an extra table. I think he's coming over here, Max," Nev said.

I opened my eyes, and the figure was clearer now. It definitely wasn't Jay Drew Bieber.

"Wow," I whispered. I shook my head and nodded, accepting the embarrassment.

Before the guy came closer to us, Nev stood up from the metal table and walked up to him.

"Hey. Are you Jay?" he asked him.

"Nah, bro, I'm Steven," he said.

His name was Steven; he lied about his name too?

Nev held out his hand to shake, and the guy slowly shook it.

"Hey, you're that guy from that show Catfish, right?" Steven asked.

Didn't "Jay" already know he was on the show?

"Yes, I called you earlier," Nev said.

"Uhh, nah, dude..I never got a call from you."

Nev's forehead creased.

"Do you know who Trinity is?" he asked.

"No, I just wanted to buy some Coke from the machine." He pointed to the vending machine behind us.

My eyes widened, and I sighed in relief. I think all of us were relieved.

"Oh, sorry man," Nev said and chuckled.

"It's okay." Steven laughed and looked past Nev.

"Is that her?" he asked.

Nev nodded.

"Oh, wow. She's gorgeous. I wouldn't play her," Steven said.

I smiled. "Thanks." I said.

And thanks for scaring the hell out of me.

Steven nodded.

"Hey, Steven do you mind if we show our encounter with you on the episode? You know, some people don't like showing their faces-"

"Oh, no! It's totally fine. Show it. I'll be glad to watch myself on tv," he said.

"Okay, great," Nev responded.

Steven nodded and walked past us. Nev came back over to our table and began laughing.

"Guys, do you know what this means?" he asked.

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