04: Who?

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Max and I sat down at a small table and set everything up.

"Are you excited about this?" I asked him.

"I'm actually pretty terrified," he said.

"You're not alone, buddy."

After everything was finally set up, I rubbed my hands together. "Let's get down to business."

"To defeat the Han! Did they send me daughters when I asked for sons?", Max sang.

"Leave it up to Max to bring out the Mulan movie soundtrack...in public," I told the camera.

Max let out a small chuckle. I opened up my MacBook laptop and logged into my Twitter account.

"What was Jay's Twitter again?" I asked Max.

"Trinity texted it to me yesterday. Hold on a second." he spoke. He grabbed his phone from the table and unlocked it. He went to his messages.

"JDB94," he spoke.

I typed it in the search bar, and Jay Bieber popped up.

16.4k followers. 993 following.

My eyes widened.

"Wow, this dude's ratio...goals," I joked.

He had many followers, but that doesn't usually come off as suspicious. I clicked on his profile photo, and he looked way different than those year old pictures I saw in Trinity's penny-sized folder. In this one, he had dirty blonde hair and a more matured face.  I couldn't even tell it was him at first.

His bio read: Trin and music. Positivity is everything.

"So is he like a singer orrr rapper?" Max randomly asked.

"I'm going with singer, Max. That song he wrote Trinity was insane. You can't really put those lyrics under today's rap category," I said.

"Thank you Nev for making me sound dumb, once again!"

I chuckled and scrolled down Jay's page.

The last time he tweeted was 5 days ago.

-i'm just so scared you're gonna wake up one morning and change your mind about me

I continued to scroll and it was just random things tweeted like:


-Who's party am I goin to tonight?

He was definitely a college student by those tweets.

"Click on his media already," Max demanded.

"Be patient," I said.

I clicked on the media tab. The first picture that came up was a selfie of him.

"He still looks the same," Max said.

"Really? I thought he morphed into a completely different person!", I wanted to tell Max, but I'll give him a break this time.

I scrolled through Jay's pictures more. There were pictures of him with friends but none of those friends were tagged.

I groaned.

"You should search up his name real quick in the People section," Max suggested.

I went to the search bar and typed in "Jay Bieber". Then I clicked on People.

My eyes widened at the results.

"Dude, what the hell?" I whispered.

Numerous accounts popped up with his photo.

I turned to Max, and his eyes were just as widened.

"Wow," he simply said.

My lips parted, and I turned my head back to my laptop.

I scrolled down the list of accounts.

Jay Bieber @jaybieeber
Jay Bieber @jbieb
Justin Bieber @justinbieberr

Woah woah woah. Pause. I leaned in closely to the computer, making sure I wasn't seeing things.

"Who is Justin Bieber, and why does he have Jay's photo?" I asked.

Max picked up his camera and aimed it towards @justinbieberr

I clicked on the account. It had way more followers than JDB94:

30.1k followers. 15.8k following.

His bio said nothing about Trinity. It only read : music is everything. Check me out👇🏼

Below that emoji was a link to a soundcloud profile.


I didn't click on it yet. I'm still trying to figure out who this Justin is.

I scrolled down the page and most of the tweets were same tweets that JDB94 had on their account. Some of them weren't. No one was tagged as usual. He even had the same pictures as JDB94, but justinbieberr had more pictures overall.

More retweets. More favorites. More girls commenting heart eye emojis.

My brows were furrowed as I searched for one more picture that would tell me if this was the real account. Unfortunately, I couldn't find one...until I came across one that made Max and I's jaws fall open.

"Oh, shit."

"Trinity is not gonna like this," Max whispered.


Quick update! I left y'all hanging like Catfish always does before they go on those hour long commercials.

Check my other stories out, in the meantime!

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Comment what you thought about it. 20+ votes for the next one!


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