07: Pancakes and Overthinking

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The next day, in the afternoon


I laughed and almost spit out my Sprite. This was why Bob's Burgers was my favorite show.

My phone buzzed, and it was a text from Nev.

Hey Trinity. Pick up your phone when we call.

A grin formed on my face. Suddenly, my phone rang. I quickly pressed the green button and held the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Trinity!"

"What's up? Good news?"

"Yes, there is. Jay agreed to meet with you."

I gasped.

"Really?!" I asked.

"Yeah, he called us back last night."

"What did he say?"

"He said that he felt as if he owed it to you, and he loves you a lot."

I smiled.

"We texted him earlier today, and we decided we're gonna meet up at a park."


"Yes, but you have to pack. I already bought the plane tickets. The most time we'll spend there is 3 days, so pack well. Our flight leaves at 8 PM, and we'll pick you up at 7:15."

"Wow, Nev. I only have 2 hours to pack."

He chuckled.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you earlier today."

"That's okay. Thank you, though.. for everything."

Him and Max were angels. I finally get to meet Jay because of them.

"No problem. See you soon."

"Okay, bye!"

"Bye!" He exclaimed.

I removed the phone from my ear and hung up. I giggled and locked it.


After I was done taking a shower and dressing up, I packed everything I would need for the next 3 days. The time was now 7:00. I checked in my suitcase, making sure I didn't forget anything. I zipped it back up and stood the suitcase by the front door.

The doorbell rang at 7:17. I opened it and Nev and Max were standing in front of me with smiles on their faces.

"Hi, guys," I said.

"Hey, Trinity. You ready to go?" Nev asked.

"Yes. Although, I'm very nervous," I confessed.

"It's normal," Max said. He grabbed my suitcase.

"Thank you," I said and stepped out of my house.

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