11: Closure

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We walked into the apartment building, and the cool air blasted onto our faces.

"Where do we find him?" Max asked.

Nev pulled out his phone.

"According to Jay, Floor 5..apartment 5F.." Nev read.

We found the elevators and pressed the button. One of the three elevators lit up and opened. All of us crammed inside, and Max pressed the button 5. The elevator doors closed, and we went up.

The anticipation in this elevator was very real.

We reached level 5 and the doors slid open. We walked out into the hallway and looked at the sign in front of us.

5A-M --->
<--- 5N-Z

"Okay, so I'm guessing we go this way..." Nev chuckled and pointed right. We walked and read the letters mounted onto the doors.

"E...F..." We came to a stop. Max knocked on the door, and a couple of seconds later, we heard it unlocking. I felt a lump in my throat.

The door opened, and Jay appeared with a small smile on his face.

"Hey, guys," he greeted us.

"Hey," Nev and Max said.

"Uhh, you can come in."

Jay moved out of the doorway, and we all stepped inside. I looked around, admiring the space. It was neatly decorated with simple colors that went well with each other.

"Cool. Do you live here by yourself?" Max asked him.

"No, I live with three other friends."

"Are they here right now?" he asked.

"No, I had to get them to leave for the day."

Max nodded.

"Where can we set up?" one of the crew members asked. I'm still trying to figure out their names.

"Over in the living room," Jay responded.

He led us to the area with two leather sofas and one single seater sofa.

I sat with Max on one sofa, while Nev and Jay sat on the other. Jay and I suddenly made strong eye contact.

"Hi, Trinity," he said.

"Hi.." I responded quietly.

"Do you want anything to drink?"

"No, thanks," I said.

"Okay. Does anyone want something to drink?" he asked.

Everyone declined.

"Sorry, may I put your mic on?" one of the crew told Jay. I believed her name was Aileen.

"Sure," he said.

She clasped the small mic onto the collar of his shirt, and that's when I noticed his outfit.

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