06: Expect the Unexpected

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"Okay, so..." Nev said. He pulled his laptop out and sat it down on the kitchen table.

He opened it and logged in.

"We have news," he said, and we took a seat at the chairs.

A wide smile spread across my lips.

"I'm listening..." I said.

"So, as usual, we did some investigating.."

I took a deep breath and nodded.

"First, we went to Jay's Twitter, and we saw the tweet 'I'm just so scared you're gonna wake up one morning and change your mind about me' . Do you think that tweet could've been directed towards you?" Nev asked.

"Uhh...It could be, now that I think about it," I said.

He nodded and continued. "Well, next, we typed in Jay Bieber in the search bar and numerous accounts popped up. One in particular, @justinbieberr...."

The account had a picture of Jay.

"Who is that?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Justin Bieber," Nev said.

"But Jay's last name is Bieber," I stated.

"Exactly," Max said.

"I'm lost." I said.

"We'll come back to that. Next, we clicked the link in the account's bio, and it took us to this soundcloud account. Has Jay ever showed you this?" he asked.

An account with the username justinbieber showed up. When Nev scrolled down, I saw a large amount of songs listed.

"No..." I said eyeing the screen.

"Have you ever heard him sing?" Max asked.

"Once. Uhh...he sang "Flashing Lights" by Kanye over the phone for like 5 seconds, but it was last year, and he was super goofy with it," I said.

"Well, tell me if this kind of sounds like him..." Nev said before clicking on a song tilted "Mark My Words."

"Mark my words
That's all that I have
Mark my words
Give you all I got
In every way I will
You're the only reason why
Oh I don't wanna live a lie
Mark my words
Mark my words..."

While the song played, my eyes widened. This was a really good song! Nev paused it and stared at me.

"Anything?" he asked.

"No. It kind of sounds like his voice, but no..."

Nev nodded.

"Well, we scrolled down, and we saw a song titled Swap It Out," he said.

Huh? Why did it have the same title as the song Jay gave me?

"We'll play it for you." Nev said.

"Open up to me, it's all you gotta do
Give me all your heart, swap mine out with you
Swap it out with you
Swap it out with you
Come into my world
I'll give my world to you
We can swap swap swap it out.."

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