09: Not Enough

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Trinity, Nev, Max, and the cameras were waiting for words to come out of Jay's mouth. Trinity's stomach was twisting. She didn't know what this situation was about, but it seemed serious, telling by the boys' facial expressions.

"Umm.." Jay repeated. His voice was shaky. He didn't want to tell her right now—not like this.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, before opening them again.

"She was this girl that I dated..." he said. He fiddled his hands together, trying to lose some of his nerves, but it only made them appear more.

Trinity looked at Nev and Max, and they were already looking at her. They were expecting to find an angry expression on her face, but instead they found a nonchalant one.

"You don't seemed bothered-I?" Nev spoke.

Trinity shrugged. "I mean, it's just his ex-girlfriend," she said.

Max had an idea on why she didn't react.

"Do you know when he dated her?" Max asked her.

"No..." She turned back to Jay, and he was still looking down at the table.

Trinity's eyebrows tightened a little. "When did you? You dated her before we dated...right?" She asked him. Her heart was racing, waiting for his answer.

Jay hesitated as he faced her. He shook his head and said, "Last year...summer break.."

She chuckled and nodded. "So..you cheated on me?" she asked.

It felt like she'd just been stabbed repeatedly.

"I'm so sorry, Trinity. You have to understand-"

"Understand what? You lied to me!" her voice raised. Small tears were welt up in her eyes.

"How long?" she asked.

"For a month-maybe 5 weeks," he said quietly.

She pursed her lips together and shook her head.

"Did you ever have sexual relations with Yovanna?" Nev asked Jay.

"No," he responded.

"You're a liar," Trinity said.

"I'm not lying. I never had-"

Trinity stood up from the seat, and Jay quickly followed. He grabbed her elbow, and she turned around and yanked it back.

"Don't touch me! I can't even believe that you would do this to me!" she said.

Tears were more visible on her face.

"Trinity, it was only for a month!" Jay exclaimed.

A hard slap came across Jay's right cheek. Nev and Max's eyes widened, as Jay's jaw clenched. He wasn't expecting that and neither was Trinity; it just kind of happened.

Her eyes slightly creased, and she shook her head. "Don't even say that! You had the audacity to text me for a full month, like everything was okay! 'Only for a month', Jay? It was only for a month when she got to kiss you! It was only for a month when she got to hug you! It was only for a month when she got to see you every single day! I couldn't do any of these things in 2 and a half fucking years! Are you kidding me?!" she said.

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