Chapter 2

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   This person was sleeping peacefully. He looked as though he hasn't slept like this for a while. A smile was playing on his perfect thin shaped lips. His complexion was smooth and pale. His hair the color of a glassy sky - pale blue. The hair color suddenly turned white, then gray, then black. This pattern repeated over and over again. As I am gazing at his profile, his long eyelashes fluttered open slowly, revealing beautiful dark brown eyes, then slowly closing. They looked so kind and gentle. As I am still gazing at him, I come to the realization that this was the man who had saved me from the arrows a few days ago. His clothes matched the clothes of the man who have saved me. I can't quite make out what he looked like back then, his body resembled that man. His clothes was not awfully tattered, but it was did of course have stains of blood. Some from his chest injury and another from his leg.
    His leg ,that is stained in blood,was rapped properly with my kimono. Did the wolf somehow turn into a human? Is that even possible? I think I might still be dreaming, so I lay back down and tried to go back to sleep. This must be a dream, it's impossible for anything and anyone to change themselves like that. Not matter how much effort I tried to get back sleep, it seemed impossible. The man suddenly shifted and now was closer to my back. I can feel his breath against the back of my neck now. It reminded me of the time when he was protecting me from the arrows. It felt so warm and calming. As I imagine this, I remember that I was hungry.
   I pick myself up cautiously and I carefully step over him. I don't want to wake him up. Pondering if there was any bushes that can grow fruits around here, I did a search near the cave. I know that berries don't grow in this season, they rarely do, why not conjure something up to make them grow? Finally I found a bush. It was green and lush, but of course, it didn't bear any berries or herbs. I examine this bush and found out that it was a herb bush. If I can pick some, I might be able to make soup for that man and myself. But where would I find a bowl to put the liquid in? I will have to figure that out later. I need food right now.
"Miyuki don't. You are forbidden to do this. Only danger can come out of this."
My mother held my little hands in hers tightly. I don't get why I can't use my special abilities. If it can help heal these terribly injured soldiers of ours, why don't we take a chance? I can heal them quickly without the need of herbs or medicine. I can also do more than just that. I can even make plants grow rapidly, producing food for plenty of people.
"The powers you have now are dangerous. It didn't come from your body, it comes from the sword my dear. No one has ever used it's powers, nor does anyone wants to know how powerful it can be. It could kill millions. Once these soldiers are dead, it can't be helped anymore. Let them now find peace in the other world now."
I can feel hot tears forming. My shoulders are trembling and my whole body is violently shaking. This was the only time where I have cried in my life. I am now watching my comrades and those who have always been protecting me die in front of me. This is a day I will remember forever.
I stare at the bush as I silently pray that the power in my sword in my kimono unleashes its power. I close my eyes as I silently let my body relax. Please, I need food. I wish this bush in front of me bears herbs. Please. Nothing happened When my eyes opened. Maybe the sword didn't hear what I said. A blinding light shot out from myself and it shot towards the bush. The bush rustled until I see little dots form on near the stem of the leaves. Those dots soon got bigger until they were the size and color of herbs. Before making this into soup, I should try it first to make sure this herb isn't poisonous. Father, mother, I'm sorry I used my powers, but this is a time where I really need to use it. Please understand.
The herb tasted bitter, so it should be great for making soup. As I was about to pick some more, I forgot that I don't have anything to carry them back in. Again, I am really sorry mom and dad. I prayed to the sword that I wished I have a basket to carry these herbs in and one appeared. It was just the right size too. That's good.
By the time I returned, the sun was almost up all the way. It was almost the afternoon. Besides the herbs, I also carried a basket of strawberries,another basket with two wooden bowls in it with two wooden spoons, and a big wooden bowl. I don't know what I'm suppose to say when he wakes up and sees this. Hopefully I'll come up with something as I mash up these herbs.
Where am I? Who is that girl sitting near the fire? What is she doing? All sorts of questions bounce around my head. It all wanted answers, but I can't answer then since I don't know the answers to them. My head is throbbing with pain. Why is it hurting so badly? Did I hit my head on a rock? No, I don't remember that ever happening. The girl did look awfully familiar. Her long sleek black hair, her skinny figure, her pink floral kimono. Was she the girl who I saved from from the Diysuke assassin 3 days ago? More correctly, she also saved my life in return. She bandaged me with great care even though I know that we never even met before. Does she even know me?
I still am not sure who see is, but she doesn't seem to working for the Diysuke's considering that their assassin planned on shooting her. Or could it be that she was working with them, but she decided to quit? I don't know her motives, but she doesn't seem to do any harm to me. Is she planning on earning my trust then invading my side of the war? Was that act 3 days ago a plan to kill me? I don't think she would seem to do that. The way she moves as she cooks can tell me that she doesn't know much about combat or holding a weapon. So far, she hasn't killed me yet. Let's see what's going to happen next.
The throbbing in my head got stronger. It came to a point where I can't even think about anything else. My hands came to head and they clasped my head. It felt like I was pounding my head against a boulder. The pain shot through my whole head. Ugh. The pain was so strong. I should've been more careful when that assassin came out from behind that tree and shot me leg. Ugh. My head. I was lucky he didn't get a good shot of me.
My visions soon got blurry. I almost blacked out but I heard something drop and the girl rushes towards me. My vision was blurry , but I can make out that she was worried and panicking. My vision was getting more worse by the second.
I heard a voice and it sounded so far away. I manage to make out the words "Are you okay?"from the girl.
Then nothing. Only white and black do I see.

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