Chapter 5

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Knock knock!
"Lady Miyuki? Are you awake? We have come to help you get ready for meeting the general!"
Is it time already? I guess it is. Since my time sleeping in a cave, I couldn't get a good sleep. Now sleeping on this futon, it was so comfortable. I feel like I have a lot of energy now.
As I tell the maids to come in, the door slid open and the maids piled in. I only thought there was one, but there was 3 maids.
"Lady Miyuki, I pick out and outfit for you."
"Lady Miyuki, I will do your make up."
"Lady Miyuki, I will do your hair."
I didn't have time to ask who was going to do what first. They all rushed towards me at once. I felt like I was being ambushed, but of course I was not. They started pulling out my old kimono and replacing it with a light pink one. It was silky and soft. There was also flowery designs sewn onto it like my old one, except this one was more detailed and it looked more refined.
The maid that puts on my make up didn't add much. She said I already had lovely features and all she had to do was make them show more. After she was done, I took one look in the mirror and astonishment fell over me. The person staring back at me in the mirror looked so beautiful. She looked like she was a queen. I didn't realized that a little bit of make up can make me look so different. I looked unrecognizable.
The maid who did my hair took great care not to pull my hair. Her hands played with my hair, twisting it up and down. She braided some strains, while she left the others down. She then took a beautifully decorated butterfly hair clip from her pocket and pinned my hair in place. Then she took a few more little hair clips and clipped it on my hair. In the mirror, my hair was done so perfectly. Half of my hair was up and the other half was down. I thanked the maids for their wonderful work and talent.p before they left. They told me they didn't deserve such praising from a high up aristocrat like me, but I just smiled and told them that everyone is equal to me.
As they rushed outside the room, I can see Kathleen was waiting for me at the door. She looked impatient. Did I accidentally oversleep? Hopefully she isn't angry at me. I better hide this sword somewhere. Maybe being that mirror. I closed the door behind me as I stepped out of the room. I also notice that the guards standing their took a quick glance at me before returning to their before position. Kathleen didn't even glance at me as I went out. She must be pretty upset then.
As she briskly walked down the corridors, I had to speed walk to keep up with her. I'm not that tall and my legs weren't long. Every time she took a step, I took a big step to keep up with her. Then we stopped in front of a room. It had two flower vases on the sides of the sliding doors. The other doors didn't have anything near it, so I infer that these plants signals that this room has to be very important. As I was thinking this, Kathleen left unnoticed. Where did she go? I believe she has something else to do. I must a nuisance to her then.
I took in a deep breath and my body shook a little. I have to come in and represent my family. I mean where I came from. I tried to put my mind at ease, the. I pushed to sliding door to a side.
I step inside the room.
I can't wait to meet her. Ren said that she was a very nice girl. Hopefully, we can help her find a good home in time. Staying her only risks her chance of getting in danger and captured. Ren told me she was an aristocrat, but I ponder why assassins were after her? Is she hiding something?
I heard the door sliding open and all eyes in the room was on her. She looked like she was nervous and timid to enter. The way she dressed really brings out her beauty. I am lucky to have maids and servants who have good taste.
"Good m-morning General Mitoshi. You wanted to see me?"
Her voice was very cute. No wonder Ren likes her. I cast a quick glance at Ren, but he wasn't paying attention to me at all. He was looking at Miyuki. I can't blame the men in the room. Everyone is looking at our special guest. I told her to sit and she did.
"Welcome to the Gentu army base. I hope we can all get along well. Please don't be nervous, we are all friends here. Ren has told me about you. I am sorry for your loss. I hope we can end this war and find a suitable home for you in time. For the time being, you will be staying with us. We are mostly guys here, but we also have some lady ninjas as well."
"General Hitoshi, I would like to help with the chores, cooking, sewing, and nursing if I can. I want to repay the kindness you showed me by allowing me to stay here. I know am. A burden so I want to help out as much as possible."
As I looked at her, her eyes tell me that she was determined to repay my kindness even if I say she doesn't have to. She is very bright I can tell. Ren has also told me that she has knowledge about what is happening. What a lucky girl Ren has found. Lucky indeed.
"I would not want you to get tired Miyuki, you are my guest after all. If you want to do so, I will not stop you. But may I ask you something?"
She nodded her head.
"What did the assassins want with you and your family?"
Then silent falls onto the room. I can feel the warm aura around Miyuki grow more sad. Then she spoke.
"My family.... We are not like any other aristocrat family. We are the guardians... Of a very special object. A sacred sword."

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