Chapter 11

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Song/piece: Martyr by Diabolik Lovers
~back to the Miyuki's young childhood~
"Mommy mommy! Look! I found a bat!"
"Don't touch it dear! It might inject venom in you!"
I just don't get why adults have to be so strict about everything. I mean, I love animals so what is wrong with that? I also love my parents too. They can't just take everything I like away from me...that's not fair....
Sniff. Sniff.
"Don't cry deary. I didn't mean to make you cry. I promise I'll make it up."
I don't get it, whenever I explore, mother always says to stay away from this cave. I find it interesting. Other kids my age find it scary and dirty. Life is too hard to understand. Dusting my hands on my dress, I stand up and turn my back to the bat. Just as I do, I feel something warm trickle down the side of one of my fingers. Blood.
"What happened?!"
Oh no! What have I done?! Mommy was right. I shouldn't have touched the bat! Now I'm going to die!
"Mother, I don't wanna die!"
Wiping the blood quickly away from my fingers, she squatted down and peered directly into my face.
"Of course you're not. As soon as we get home, I'll call for a doctor right away to treat this okay?"
Sniff sniff.
~back to the present~
I scrambled on my hands and knees to find anything useful to use against the She Devil. Nothing in this room was useful enough.
     "Don't try darling. A mere half human like you can't do anything against me. Unless you use your other side."
    I didn't want to, but what she said last trapped me. Like a bird caught in a cage, the she devil reels my curiosity towards her.
    "Judging by your expression, I've come to the connclusion that you have no clue of what I'm speaking of."
    I felt my face blazing with anger and other emotions that are now all mixed into one. Grief. Despair. Sadness It consumes me like a wave.
   "It looks like I should tell you after all. It doesn't seem like you would remember that moment anytime soon."
   My eyes were now transfixed on hers. The world that I am standing in seems to blur and all I see now is the She Devil. I don't see the servants, nor do I see me.
   Though am I merely practicing on a dummy, I can feel the vibration of something be knocked down. As I turn around, I found another dummy lying on the ground behind me.
    The young ninja hurriedly picked it up and scrambled away. A maid suddenly comes rushing in.
   "Lady Miyuki's room is being attacked! Please hurry!"
    Something in my head jolted. I didn't know how to describe the feeling. It feels like I am endangering a really important thing to me. It feels like I should've been there with Lady Miyuki. I feel guilt.
    -time lapse-
   "What in the-"
    I stare at the sight in front of me. It was nothing more than the damaged houses and
Injured guards and maids and servants. Some of the roofs broke of the houses already. Some other were severely damaged, even beyond repair.
    Quickly dodging the broken and splintered floor steeps and other obstacles in my way, I quickly made my way to Lady Miyuki's room.
   I can see her: The Devil. Nothing can stop me from raging. After she unfinished her story, I didn't feel like a little weakling who would always depend on other people for help. Instead? I feel strong.
   "Well then, I guess at least I can damage you:and that's not all. "
   Though I rarely get the chance to do anything at all, now I do. There is no way I can forget about my sword. It holds powerful magic. Magic that doesn't just comes from this world, but other unknown worlds as well.
"Let me test you dear Miyuki. If you can dogged and deflect most of my attacks, I promise I will not harm your little friend whose coming to rescue you."
Who is she talking about? A lot of people must have already gathered around here trying to see what all of the commotion is about. Out of all of them, who could she be talking about?
"You're clueless. What a thick head you are. I'm talking about your lover, Ren Zenduo."
     There were no words to described what I felt at that very moment. Every emotion that was possible to feel erupted in me and it made my
Blood boil. How dare she speak of his name! She has nothing to do with him! If she dares to even lay a single strand of hair on him, I will murder her.
    "Finally the demon hidden within you all this time has arrived. I'm sure it wants to kill me right about now. Well then, let's dance shall we?"
   Where is she? Is she in her room? She must be there!
   "Lord Ren! Lady mixing is trapped!"
    Electricity jolted me. My mind is now focused on one goal and one goal only. I have to find Lady Miyuki.
    Rushing under wood and other obstacles, I rush to what once was her room. Only broken pieces of woods remain. I do not see anything else....
    I lost myself. Fighting from the guards who held me back from entering this dangerous landscape, I dive into the fire itself.
   Cough cough! The air is too hard to breath! But I can't stop here! Not when I'm so close to finding her!
   I see her. Her hair is bright crimson red and she is floating above the ground. Like a bright ember embracing the fire, she is furiously angered. I can see no kindness left in her. All that sweet time and expressions we spent together has vanished into thin dust. The only thing I see now that is remaining is a demon.
A monster.
"Looks like your lover has finally arrived. Care to join us?"
   With a single sweeping motion with her hand, an invisible force forced Ren between the two of us. He looks like he could die any minute. I have had enough! She has gone too far!
    Rage boiled out of me and onto the surrounding ground around me. A circle of bright red fire surrounded me. For some reason, I am not burnt. Instead, I feel a calm connection with it. If the fire is now my friend, then I can use it to my advantage.
   Attempting to block my fire balls, she coward.
This fight will last a long while. I can just tell. And with that, this fight lasted for the whole night. Until the sun rises, the two of us battled until one of us remained.

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