Chapter 3

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   I heard someone moan, a desperate kind of moan. I turn around to see if it was the man. It was.
   I quickly rush to him, as I kneeled down next to him, he looks like he has a head ache. The soup is almost done. I just have to wait a little longer.
   "Are you okay? Please get some rest, you seem to have a head ache and fever. Please just rest for now."
   I don't think he heard all of what I said because he felt unconscious as I got to the middle of what I said. Now, I can smell of the herbs. They should be done by now. I quickly went back to the fire and took a sip of the soup with a spoon. It was hot, but this is the best time to be eating this. Hopefully his injuries, head ache, and fever disappears.
   I spooned the soup out of the big bowl poured the liquid into one of the smaller bowls. Quickly walking towards the man with the steaming hot bowl, I sit down next to him. His face was twitching and his expression was changing quickly. If I was him, I would be in so much pain too. I gently laid his head one of my legs. I started spooning the soup and blowing on it until it was cool. His mouth was slightly opened so I fed him soon. Hopefully he swallows.
   He does.
   When the bowl was empty, I went back to the fire to eat my share of the soup. Then I took the strawberries I picked earlier and ate some, remembering to save some for later and for the man. When I really think about it, he wasn't that much older than me. He looked like he was possibly at age 20 to 23. I don't really think about why he took form of a wolf earlier, but I'm still curious. Remembering that I have to come up with a way to tell him where I got these supplies, I imagine many stories up. I never lied in my life. He might be able to see right through me. Hmmm. Maybe I can tell him that a house that was abandon was near here. That should work. But what happens when he's healed and he leaves? He might ask me to stay there and I don't even know how I could lie about where the house. He might even follow me to the house. Hmmmm. So frustrating!
    I should get some rest too. Today was pretty tiring. I had to go far to search for the strawberries because it would be strange if a bush of strawberries started to grow in near a bush of herbs. But I should watch over the man if he starts feeling worse. Maybe a cool cloth is what he needs. I can't rip anymore of my sleeves, because I would get cold so I conjured one up , along with a bucket of clean cold water.
    I dipped the cloth in the water and squeezed the excess water out of it before placing it on his head. I had nothing else to do so I stared at him as he slept. I let my mind wonder from topic to topic. I first, thought about what I would do after he was all healed. The. I though about what it would like to be a ninja. I got sleepy and my eyelids started dropping lower and lower. When I couldn't stand it any longer, I fell asleep as I thought and gazed at the man's profile.
   Pounding on the table, the general of the Hyoshi army, got frustrated.
   "Where on this earth is Ren Zenduo? Out of nowhere, my best archer goes missing. He was on a mission to spy on the general of the Diysuke army. I know I can rely on him, but what if something happened to him? He hasn't returned for 2 days already."
The Gentu General was a kind man. Most generals would have to be in their 30-40's to become a general, but not this one. His name is Hitostu Yokiyami. His might be in his mid 20s, but his reputation and status has brought him up this high. Everyone who heard his name knows how kind and fair this man is. He sees everyone as an equal, no matter their ranking. A man like this doesn't always exist. Luckily, this is the Gentu's General.
"General Hitoshi! An assassin from the Diysuke army was found dead in the woods near the mountains. He was killed by an arrow through the heart by Ren's arrow. We believe the body was dead 3 days ago. There is a chance he might be wounded and is in hiding. Should we send a small search party?"
Frustration clouded Hitoshi's mind.
" That may be risking some of our other ninja's, but ....."
"Sir, you have saved our lives and protected many other's lives more times then most of us can count. We would do anything to repay you, even if it means risking our lives."
For the first time in a long while, Hitoshi smiled.
"I don't want to endanger any of you, but if you feel you must go, I won't stop you."
"Thank you, sir."
And with that, a small group of ninja's left for the woods near the mountain.
My eyes slowly opened. I am in the same place I was yesterday. I don't think I have ever had a better sleep in my whole life. My injuries have healed little by little, tanks to the girl. I glance around to see where she is when I relied that she was sleeping in a sitting position, one hand supporting her face as she leaned on it.
She looked so cute while she is sleeping. Her nose was cute as a button and her mouth was pouting as she slept. I cautiously sat up and looked around, making sure I don't wake the girl up. The sun was halfway up now and it seems as though I can do some things by myself now. I then tried to stand up on my own. My legs felt so heavy. I haven't moved or even stood up in a few days. It was hard at first, but I finally got used to it. Now that I can see past her, I see a fire that was out already in one corner of the cave, and a big bowl of soup in the other corner. I saw some strawberries too. I am hungry now that I think about it. But.....
Where did she get these herbs to make the soup? And the strawberries? They don't grow in this season. I ignore my hunger and take a walk outside. I breathe in the cold crisp air and exhale. It felt good. I'd better go back inside and start the fire. It could get cold for her.
I found spike of wood near the basket of strawberries and I got to work. It didn't take long for a spark to start, then a fire. Saying that she's a girl, how does she know these stuff? The way she dressed is like a noble, yet she acts like a noble and a villager at the same time. Strange.
Maybe I should warm up some of this soup for me and her later. Before I could even reach the bowl of soup, I heard horses outside the cave. They came closer and closer, I ran towards the entrance of the cave and I took out my bow and arrows. I readied them as I see the riders and horses get closer.
I aimed my bow,then....

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