first day of school

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Eleanor Pov:

Me and Lou left for work and rach went to school. Fun day.

Rachel's. Pov:

Dude way cool. I heard some boys across the way say.

I went to class and the teacher introduced me. "Hi," i said shly.

"Class,this is Rachel, may tell us something about yourself." She asked.

" well, umm, I am definitely a city girl and I wouldn't really consider myself a troublemaker. Uhh,I was born in sandy springs and I love to sing." I released a sigh.

"Thank-you, you may take your seat." She pointed to a desk in the back of the room. A

cold rush of air fell over me. The desk was in the back corner it had a bit of light shining in threw the window. Rays I guess. I looked at the students then back at the desk. To me it was the best seat there. It was homey. "Alright class today we have a test," Mrs. Briggs started. What a test on my first dang day. Ohh brother. I raised my hand. "Yes," my teacher asked sweetly.

"I just got here how am I .........................."

" you'll be fine darling," her smile was quite nice. She was a tall skinny woman,around the age of 38. She quietly passed out the test. "You all have 45 minutes to complete you test. Began."

I hurried and flipped the paper over. Number 1: don't know. I did this all the way till number 10. I can't do this. Apparently, my thoughts weren't only in my mind.

" yes you can you just have to try." Yeah yeah whatever,I don't need a sweet teacher pep talk what I need is! No, not mentally for all of you Smarty pants.

I can't do this 35 min left.

22 minutes left I thought, staring at the test, it was way to hard so I looked at someone's. Mrs. Briggs caught me and sent me to the principles office. I started to cry. she was calling my dad. Great great great. Then I realized I called him dad, but I kind of like it.

Louis came and got me and yelled. He told me to go to my room and get all my electronics. I did as I was told. But under my breath I called him a stupid.

do not say that. Boy he can be stern. I was only going to ground you for one week. Now lets make that ,Two weeks

Nooooo, don't sorry. I whined

Don't whine.

S-o - r - r - y I said through tears. I went to my room.

Time to eat hun come down stairs, he yelled an hour later. I didn't Answer. Him l was mad at him for grounding me. I heard footstep on the steps. Hun, time to eat. I just looked down, then Louis picked me up and asked me if I was still sad about this morning. I nodded my head. He said I didn't have to eat if I did not want to. I skipped dinner that night and went to bed.

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