Ryan and gymnastics

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I walked into the school with my back pack on one shoulder. I didn't really have any friends there and I was determined to make some.

Hey Rachael. Some Guy said. I know I've seen him around here before. He's short black hair oh yeah I glanced at him at the party.

Um hi I said shyly.

So you're knew right?

Yeah I guess you could say that,but I've been here before, um can I ask you a question?

You kinda already did but sure.

How do you know my name?

Um,a source told me. He smiled,what class are you in first.

Mrs. Highlands, I said.

Cool me too. We walked to class and sat down. Usually I pay attention in class but today I kept thinking about starting gymnastics. Rachel, I heard my name and practically,screamed.

Everyone started laughing."yes mam,I asked innocently.

What is the answer to this question.

Oh I um I don't know I sighed. Then I saw a note I picked it up secretly. It had the answer to the problem on it. At the bottom it said,'from a friend ' I quickly said the answer then looked over to the boy I had just met. He winked at me then I mouthed thank-you. The rest of the day went by smooth,it was really fun,especially at lunch because I didn't have to sit by Myself. When it was time for me to go home I said, I never got your name.

Ryan, Ryan's my name. He said. Something about the way he said his name made him suspicious I climbed into the limo looking at him,until we drove away. I swear I remember him from some where,and not just at the party,I just can't quite put my finger on it. Well at least he's nice. I'm sure I'll remember soon. Time for gymnastics yay!!!!

The gymnastics class I had lots of fun. But, I was mostly trying to remember where I had seen Ryan. TV? Nah umm mm. I just couldn't remember. It was frustrating me.!! I kept thinking and thinking. Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!. Before I knew it I was on the floor. Light flashed before my eyes to see Ryan????? Okay I'm losin it but I wasn't. slowly the light faded away and the world became black.

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