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Hey guys, sorry I haven't been updating much /.\ literally nothing new has been happening in my therian life. My shifts have started cooling down from having a really strong mental shift every day to not having one for a week or so. I hope I have one soon. It feels weird not mega shifting as much. It's like when I shift I HATE it but when I'm not shifted I miss it and want to shift so I can't win xD.

I'm also still phantom shifting a lot which is awesome. I'm not shifting them as much but I feel my ears at least once a day.

I'm buying a new tail soon which is awesome. I'm going to buy this faux fur which is a beautiful creamy brown and I'm going to sew myself a new one as I don't really agree with buying real ones as even if they were made from fur in factories that animal was still probably killed in a fur farm.

Also I've been researching a bit more on therianthropy and myself and I believe I may be a mexican wolf because I seem to have a lot more visions in shrubby grassland and I feel extremely connected in grassland and things like that. Also in dreams and some meditation ive seen my fur as a tanny brown with grey on its back with cream on its underbelly and face. I also see my wolf shape and it's quite bushy near the front yet quite slim and agile. It's pretty sad though because there's only about 400 mexican wolves left in the world, 100 in the wild and 300 in zoos. I hope they survive soon.

Im also wanting to buy a collar and such. Ive lost my choker collar so I want to buy a dog collar and a dog bandana but I don't know how my mum would react. I mean she is pretty open about things happening and is like just be you but this is something much bigger and I'm quite scared.

Well that's basically my life so far. I'll update when something new happens so... byeee

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