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Ughhh these couple of days have been roughhhhhhh!!! So basically after someone in the comments told me I sounded like a coyote I did a ton of research and found out I'm most likely a coywolf. Now sorry if I sound fed up.. my neighbour is playing super loud music and its driving me insane. It isn't even good music and it keeps on getting stuck and looping tiny bits and ugh I'm going insane. So basically I looked online at coyotes about their behaviour, food, sounds etc and everything seemed to match except their sounds and that they eat small prey where I see myself eating bigger food. As my howl is more of a bark then a howl it didn't fit as coyotes seem to yell (and it's freaking annoying I tell you xD). Then I found coywolves and everything just seemed to match so perfectly. Firstly their body shape seemed perfect and the same as mine as I see my theriotype with quite big ears but quite slim yet with thick fur. Also it can live in shrubland where I feel most connected,  it can hunt deer and best of all it did the same exact howl I do even before I knew what they sounded like!

The bad thing is when I start focusing more on my theriotypes I go back into shift mode where I shift a lot and it's so annoying xD I mean my urges haven't been too bad today but I haven't felt human at all.

Yesterday I also found a field next to my caravan site which is basically abandoned so I decided to call it home and have a play in it and relax. Unfortunately my mum said it wasn't safe and to come home because someone will kidnap me and stuff like seriously I cant have peace and quiet where I can be myself without freaking getting it taken off me I swear to god.

Apart from that my week has been good :) im going to bulgaria tommorow too so I wont be talking again for a while so sorry about that.


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