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Hey so im back to writing again. I had a month basically of not shifting for some reason but ive started shifting again and feeling connected so its all good :D.

Im just making an entry because I need some ideas for a present for my therian friend. So im thinking of whether I should make her a tail. Like idk if her parents will let her wear it so idk if it would be a good idea to make her a necklace out of clay instead, I really don't know.

But anyway I HATE that's it getting cold as im used to north America like temperatures its too cold and rainy and wet here in the uk, it sucks. Although a few days ago it was dark early and I was home alone and I suddenly felt so alive. Even if it was windy I didnt feel cold at all and just stood in my garden yipping and howling like a weirdo (my neighbours think im insane probs) but yeah it felt so good.

Also ive started feeling my ears again which is great and I also found out I can move my human ears when I move my astral ones :D.  I was in geography at the time and they started off because we were doing about biomes and I felt sad and stuff because shrubland wasn't included in the video we were watching and I got annoyed and sad and stuff. Also were doing about reincarnation in re and while everyone in class its like I wonder what my past lifes were and like thinking deeply about it im over in the corner like I know its real xD.

But yeah im gonna go now, bye!

Therian Diary (coywolf)Where stories live. Discover now