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Hey guys sorry im not posting.. literslly nothing is happening in my therian life rn >.<

So anyway today I "went" to the woods with my non kin friend and when I say went I mean getting the bus there and walking half an hour home in the freezing cold and hail because the hail hates us. Yeah not fun. She was kinda okay with my tail (she knows that im a therian) but was kinda uncomfortable with touching it and stuff as it was from a dead animal and died on a farm (it was scrap left over but eh can't please everyone.)

I really wish there was a wood or forest closer to me :( the closest wood is like a half hour walk and the nearest grassland place is like 15 mins but im not allowed to go on my own due to weird people. Why im happy to have jade my silver fox friend xD.

Im also super confused about my kintypes. So I know I have my coywolf but like my demon/ monster whatever the fuck it is I can't tell if its an otherkin or like a walk in/headmate because like I shift with it but I don't really feel "connections" to like dark creepy stuff and only to like claws (I claw walls and stuff when im shifted) and like intrigued my demons as entities. I have talked to it in the past but idk if its my brain just answering back. Im also confused as ive been seeing a deer in meditations and my connection of grassland ive started maybe placing that to that because 1. Its in daylight not night time and 2. The deer is usually found it the grassland where my coywolf is found in a dark forest.

I really do not know and im very confused rn.

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