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Hey so im kinda annoyed this week. So you know how I really wanted to buy some faux fur to make a new tail..? Yeah I can't do that anymore. As my mum kept on saying I couldn't for like months I went back on Saturday to have a look for the fur but it had gone and they had bought some cheaper scratty fur to replace it. So yeah idek what to do anymore.

I mean I know there's plenty of etsy but idk.. it's like when you live in uk and everything is in America it isnt a good combo. Its because let's just say the tail I really want is around $30 but then when you've payed for shipping and stuff it comes to like $50 with like months of waiting -.- ughhh.

Also the reason I buy fake tails is just because I don't rlly believe in real fur. I mean if it was recycled I would but the internet can lie and in reality get them straight from fur farms *cough furtails.com cough* so yeah.. I don't trust people.

Also im getting kinda stressed with my lack of being able to meditate too.. Basically it's really stressing me out because there's all these stories of people being like "oh I know so much about my theriotype were so close" where I feel rlly left out Nd detached because when I try to visualise something as small as a tree for instance I can't. Its so frustrating

So anyway thats it for now. If you have any tips.. please tell me xD

Oh! And also I made a tumblr! Its @coyhowl if you wanna add me. I post therian stuff and ive been sent messages from a few people saying its a really nice blog so yeah ^^

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