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This weekend has been fun. I went to the caravan with my therian friend for the weekend and it was great. My friend is a silverfoxkin and she goes to my school.

It was mainly great though because it was the first time I have fully wore my tail at the back and felt comfortable. Usually I wear my tail just at the side but I decided to be brave and wear it at the back. My mum wasn't very impressed but oh well.

Also on the topic of my mum SHE HAS NOT LEARNT A THING!

So if you read my diary a lot you'll know I told my mum about my therian stuff. So I was telling my mum what furrys were and then she was like "if you're not a furry then what are you?" LIKE I HAVE TOLD YOU! IT TOOK LOADS OF GUTS TO TELL YOU AND YOU JUST FORGOT." *applauds*

but yeah, about the weekend. Tail wearing went great. Nobody really said anything although I got a few stares and jade said she heard a few people whisper stuff to each other but it didn't bother me.

Also jade got a tail shift when we went swimming and she said it felt super wet and horrible. It was funny xD.

But anyway that's all for now bye!

Therian Diary (coywolf)Where stories live. Discover now