Chapter 2 School Daze

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“What the hell?” Boo witch can I help you, I promise you today is not the day to mess with me. I just found out I got an 65 on my audit test, like seriously does this teacher not value his life at all. “Come on” the guy next to me made a freaking 96, see its kids like this that invented extra credit for me. Oh Mr. A+ is giving me looks, “how did you study for this test?” I ask him.

Really I’ve only been sitting next to Ruhamah all semester long, not to mention having about 10 other classes with her over the years and her first words to me are how did you study?

“Uh I just skimmed over the teachers notes” he answers, I give this boy a murderous glare how dare he skim when I actually read that freaking dictionary he calls a book. I hate naturally smart people, because I’m not one of them. “oh, that’s nice” I reply “if you want we could maybe study together” he says, yea right students say this to each other all the time. “Sure.”

I know she didn’t believe me when I suggested we study together, I’m pretty sure she brushed me off. Not to worry I always see her in the commons with this Spanish and other black girl, I’ll corner her then. I noticed Ruhamah my sophomore year when we had an Information systems class together. It wasn’t hard since she was the only black student in the entire class of about 100 kids.

She was short around 5’ barely, to my 6’3”, petite frame with womanly curves. Jet black hair that hung around her head like a halo, it looked very soft to touch. Gosh her smile lit up her whole face and just drew you in. Her skin reminded me of a Hershey’s milk chocolate bar.

She always came in when class was getting ready to start and sat in the back. I noticed she was easily annoyed at the other girls in the class whenever they would ask a question and try to relate it to what was going on in their life, they did that a lot.

I remember I was staring at her one day and she just looked me over and easily dismissed me. I’ve kinda been afraid to even ask her a question after that, she always looks as if at any second she can tear your head off with just her words. Which is true I guess since I’ve seen her give a presentation a couple of times and she is intense, all business no play.

Me, Ann and Abebi are at the commons munching on sushi and brooding about our grades. Abebi is threatening to take her communications  teacher head off,  “I mean that was a darn good speech I gave over myself and he had the nerve to say he still doesn’t know that much about me, come on it’s a 3 minute speech how much can you learn about somebody in 3 minutes?” she rants “Well” says Ann “I think as a Finance major I shouldn’t have to take so many info classes, not my fault I don’t know how to use access and excel, I hadn’t heard of access till this year somebody please tell me when I will use it?”

When I’m upset I like to sit and pout so I offer my “uhhms and yeahs” when needed. “Excuse me Ruhamah you left class before I could give you my number and the times when I’m available to help you study.” When I look up I see the guy from my audit class, okay who exactly is this guy and why does he want to help me. “Hi I’m Abebi, Ruhamah’s best friend and this is Ann.” “Excuse me” says Ann “I’m Ruhamah’s best friend, I’ve known her longer.” “Technicality, anyways what’s your name, social and address?”

Great scare the poor boy off why don’t you Abebi, gosh sometimes this girl can lay it on thick. “I’m Collin Nichols” he says “me and Ruhamah have audit class together.” I cut in “Thanks guys but I do have a mouth.” “Well you weren’t using it.” Of course this is Ann big mouth, why am I even friends with them, oh yeah we ride or die chicks, once you’re in your in for life. Collin hands me a piece of paper and says “Well here is my number, I’m free tomorrow if you want to get together to study for the quiz Thursday?”

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