Chapter 7 Test Day

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“Uh I’m coming please don’t let him have the door closed, dang.” Knock knock  the teacher has this look on his face and whispering “miss Williams hurry and take your seat” of course I would be late it’s because I had to take Melanie this morning and stop Jacob and Jonah from arguing. Okay test is over and I don’t feel so good about it all I completely blanked and I knew the information.

I hear Collin calling my name. “Ruhamah wait up” “Yes” I say I have tears of frustration swelling in my eyes. “What’s the matter you were late today, is everything alright.” “Not really my dad is sick, my brothers want to go to this expensive camp, I was late and I’m pretty sure I failed since my mind just blanked. So no everything’s not alright but don’t worry I always rise above it.” I say weakly and he engulfs me in a hug. “I’m sure your dad will be okay, ask the camp if they have sibling discounts and you probably answered correctly but your mind was in a daze so you don’t remember. Don’t be so hard on yourself.” I laugh into his chest then look up at him “why are you so perfect?”

“I don’t know I try” he shrugs popping that dimple out. Okay snap out of it girl quit ogling the boy you’re just friends remember. “You’re right so where are you headed to?” “Umm nowhere in particular I’m through with classes for today what about you?” “Yea me too I was just gonna meet up with Ann and Abebi they’ve been quiet these past few days and that’s never a good thing.”

Collin stares at me waiting I might as well invite him he’ll just invite himself if I don’t. Plus if I ever stop fooling myself I’ll admit I like his company. “If you’re not busy you can hang out with me and the girls but don’t say I didn’t warn you. Those two are a handful worse than my 10 year old brothers.” “Speaking of family did you tell yours that I’m coming to Church with them?” “Look there’s Ann and Abebi” I avoid his question heck no I didn’t tell them.

“Hey dodo birds Collin’s going to hang with us today is that cool?” “Uh actually I have to run some errands so Imma need a rain check how bout us girls get together Saturday kay love ya.” “Okay Ann how about you” “I wish I could Ami but I’m meeting with my group for Finance we have this case study coming up. But yeah Saturday let’s get together.” “What is going on just this morning they were all for meeting up now out of thin air they have things to do?”

“Well looks like it’s just you and me partner” Collin states in his best cowboy accent which is horrible. “I guess so, where do you wanna go usually me and the girls just walk around the mall but something tells me you don’t want to shop for clothes.” He gets this glint in his eye “will you be trying these clothes on?” “No you pervert” “then you’re right I don’t wanna go to the mall let’s go to Grand Station.” I haven’t been there since I was a kid “okay I wanna play laser tag first I am so gonna wipe the floor with you.”

Me and Collin are on a team against these two other guys I’m not good at not being seen. I’ve almost gotten shot twice now so Collin decided it would be better if we split up, yea right he just doesn’t want me to get him caught. I see Collin ahead of me I’m gonna stick with him no matter what he says… crap I hear somebody behind me. Before I can turn around I’m shot in the back I decide to go out like a winner “noooooo”

I yell and fall clumsily to the floor on my back, I hear Collin shouting “stay down Ruhamah I got this” and blasts the other guy down he falls. He rushes over to me “Ruhamah can you hear me stay with me, we’re gonna get you help” “it’s too late for me Collin avenge my death.” After about 5 minutes Collin takes the other guy out and two rounds later with me and Collin winning all of the them we’re off to try ice skating.

“Now be forewarned Collin I have never ice skated I can rollerblade but I’ve never gotten on the ice skates so when, and notice I didn’t say if.  I fall I better not stay on the ground for more than a second before you help me up or there will be hell to pay got that.” “Yes maam you fall I’ll be there to pick you up” “don’t get cute with me” “but miss I can’t help it.” This boy is touched in the head I promise.

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