Chapter 3 What's a Pesquetarian?

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"Excuse me" did I hear him right? "I said are you hungry, because I know this tex-mex place not far from here?" Okay I was totally not expecting this "Collin I'm pretty sure you just made me pass my quiz, you don't have to feed me too." "It's really no problem I'm about to go eat and I hate eating alone, not when I can have great company." Is he really giving me puppy eyes, wow this boy is good. "Laying it on a little thick aren't we?" "So is that a yes?" What am I going to do with this guy? "Yes, Collin I am hungry, please feed me" "Now that's what I'm talking about" he says holding the door open for me.

I can't believe she agreed to go eat with me; it was really a last minute thing. I just didn't want her to leave yet. I had to throw in the puppy eyes after that I knew she was hooked. Hey don't judge me you have to use whatever weapons you have. Man she looks so beautiful sitting across from me, I really hope I don't mess this up.

"Hey" I yell over the music "I've had food from here before, I just never ate inside, their pretty good" I tell him. "Yea I knew you would love it, have you tried their chicken chalupas?" "I don't eat chicken or red meat, I'm a pesquetarian" I tell him. Yep, he's giving me the same look most people do, not the one that says what a black person who doesn't eat chicken, but a what the heck is a pesquetarian. I answer his unspoken question, "I eat fish, any kind of seafood, grains, lentils and any kind of vegetable." "Oh that's cool have you always been a pesquetarian?" "No I became one my sophomore year, long story."

Several laughs later

"So do you have any brothers or sisters?" I ask him. "No I'm an only child though I've always wanted a younger brother, what about you ever want more brothers and sisters?" I'm sorry he hasn't met my family or he wouldn't wish this on me. "No because then I would have to picture my parents getting busy and I like to stick to the story of the stork getting lost and dropping kids off at our house, because he sure as heck wouldn't willingly leave kids with my mom." He throws his head back and laughs, ugh that dimple is showing gosh that's sexy, keep it together Ruhamah. "Surely your family isn't that bad" he chuckles. "No their not that bad, even if they are I'm biased."

As we head to the parking lot I can tell something's on Collin's mind. Please let him keep it to himself, he has this glint in his eye that I'd rather ignore. "So Ruhamah, what are you doing Saturday?" he asks as he tugs the hair at the back of his head, rather hard I might add. "Uh doesn't that hurt?" please don't let him flip out or I will kill Abebi and Ann for talking me into this. "Does what hurt?" he asks with a confused look on his face. "Your tugging your hair pretty hard" "Oh th that 's juss something I d do, ugh bastard." He blows out a long breath and continues looking down, very red in the face.

"If I pull on my hair it will distract me and I won't stutter it only happens when I'm very nervous and I have to tell you Ruhamah talking to you makes me very nervous." He says looking at me expectantly "I..." I can't even answer him right now, how the hell is he the nervous one that's my job. I mean out of nowhere this funny, smart and considerate guy just decides to talk to me and he's nervous. "Why are you nervous Collin, I'm a nobody, there is not one glamorous thing about me. Now don't get me wrong I'm not putting myself down its just I'm the type of girl who'd rather wear shorts and a tank. I work every day, not because I have to pay for school I have a scholarship for that, but because I help my parents out, I worry if they'll be able to afford to send my sister to school, I work to pay for my brother's braces, I work because my dad's insurance sucks." At this point I'm in tears of frustration, and Collin pulls me into his chest and lets me cry it out. He smells good, snap out of it Ruhamah.

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