Chapter 43 (Chrysanthe)

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After my whole fight about Forest lying to me I went to Herny's it was the only place I knew that they weren't werewolves. I just don't know anymore, and the whole soul mate thing is super confusing.

Henry opens the door and looks at me surprised. "Hey, what brings you here?" He ask with a smile.

"I had a fight with my boyfriend and I need a place to stay." I say feeling super ashamed.

"Oh, well come on in. You are always welcomed here." He says to me kindly.

"Thank you so much." I enter their nice home and follow him to the living room where Annabelle is watching TV.

"Honey we have a guest." Henry announces making Annabelle look my way. She gives me a great big smile and gets out of her chair to hug me. She is the best, I kinda wish she was my mom.

"Oh sweetie what brings you here?" She asks me kindly with care.

"I had a fight with my boyfriend." I say feeling embarrassed. Well it was more like me getting mad at him for not telling me what he was. But same difference right?

"Oh no, tell me everything that happened. Are you hungry?" She asks as we sit down on the couch.

"Not really and it was just over something stupid." I sigh feeling like an idiot. I really care for Forest, but how will I get past the fact that he's a werewolf?

"And what was this stupid thing?" She asks.

"It was about his past, something he did that I don't approve of." I sigh lying, but it's not it is something I don't approve of. I think.

"Well do you love, because if you do, you would look past all those mistakes and see him for who he really is. If you love him you wouldn't judge him." She tells me. Do I love him?

"Maybe your right and I'm over reacting. But I still have to think it over." I say giving her a warm smile. "Thanks for the great advice Ann." I hug her tight.

"No problem sweetheart and you go sleep in the guest bedroom tonight. You need a good night's rest to think about that." She tells me.

"Thank you Ann and thank you Henry. Good night." I head back to the guest bedroom that used to be their sons old room. Do I love him? Can I look past the fact that he's a werewolf? I should just sleep on it and decide in the morning.

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