Chapter 45 (Epilogue)

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Part 1 (Michael)

It's been a year and a half now since everything happened. Since Chrysanthe moved into town and when I met my mate. We were officially mated half a year ago. Since then we adopted our baby girl who was a poor orphan pup who was in need of a family. We decided to name her Fern. She is the cutest little blonde we were glad to adopt.

"Don't forget to mention about all that happened in a year." Ramsey tells me as he holds Fern on his hip. He's such the perfect mommy.

"Alright, give me a second." I tell him.

So after we adopted our beautiful blonde baby Ramsey took over as a stay at home mommy. I was still doing an amazing job as beta. And of course everyone always stops by to see our cute baby girl.

"You haven't even mentioned about Carter and Isaac's visit." He tells me.

"Hey, I was getting to that alright." I snap at him.

So Carter and Isaac did visit with their lovely children who played with our wonderful baby girl. It was really good to see them again and talk about old times. We caught up and since Isaac and Forest are cousins they hung out most of the time. Carter and Chrysanthe just laughed at them most of the time. They became really close friends. And they have been keeping in contact ever since.

"You are forgetting about Blue." He says sitting next to me.

"But Blue is so sad." I pout not wanting to talk about it.

"The readers have a right to know. And he's Blue of course it's sad." He smiled.

I shake my head with disappointment. "Please, no more bad puns." I ask with a sigh.

"Fine, I was just trying to lighten the mood but whatever." He says dramatically.

"Drama king, get over yourself." I tell him make him gasp in fake horror.

"Fine, but tell them about Blue." He insists.

"Alright, but I don't know much about it. I know Chrysie or Forest know more about why he did it." I tell him.

So what happened with blue was about a Month after Chrysie and Forest's fight he decided to leave. I guess it was just the loneliness of not having his mate while all of his friends did. He was only 18 but now he's 19 and venturing in the world of the humans. We do miss him, but that's all I really know.

So that's pretty much what has happened. And I'm happy with my wonderful mate and beautiful pup.

Part 2 (Chrysanthe)

Hey, so guess who finally proposed. I mean he proposed after a year of being with each other and are still planning the wedding or as he calls it 'The Mating.'

I guess you can say that does sound awesome. And I'm super excited for it and everything. I'm just worried about my family, since they aren't really the nicest of people sometimes.

You can say my childhood wasn't normal. My dad and mom are a bit snobby rich people, but we aren't rich enough to be considered rich, but we are not poor enough to be considered middle-class. I know it's kind of strange but that's where I was in life.

That's why I became a Veterinarian to help animals and pet owner's. Since my parents didn't let me have pets growing up but all my friends did. I just loved animals and I didn't care what my parents thought.

And now I'm marrying or mating to one. Well a half of one. Which is super cool since I've become very well known in our pack community. Since I work with the doctor of the pack. She and I get along very well, since I help when they are injured in wolf form and she helps when they are injured in human form.

I like to visit Lucy and Joe since he was my first patient and I love seeing their little son. He's super cute and I've been thinking that after a year or so of marriage that we might start having our own.

And since Ramsey and Michael have adopted their baby Fern I've been thinking about it more. I know Forest will be super happy about that news.

It was also when Carter and Isaac visited with their children that I saw how amazing being a parent can be. The way Carter was with her children was a true inspiration for all mothers. I mean even Isaac looked at her as if a goddess, or it could just because they are mates. I still keep in contact with her, since she is the best and understands me so well.

Though out of all that happened, I would say Blue leaving was the saddest. I mean I understand that he wanted to live life and find his mate. But I miss him. At least I have my mate to keep me company.

Part 3 (Forest)

So how does it feel to be engaged to my mate. Well it's the best feeling in the world. My wolf is just smitten with her and so am I. You may call me whipped, but I'm in love and I don't care what you think.

So what happened? Well I got engaged to my mate. Ramsey and Michael tied the knot. They adopted the most adorable pup ever, Fern. My cousin and his mate visited and Blue left. I guess a lot can happen in a year and a half.

So when Ramsey and Mike adopted Fern everyone came by to see her. I have to admit she is the cutest baby I've ever seen. I mean her natural red eyes were strange but they make her unique and even more adorable. And Chrysanthe started thinking about having kids which made me super happy. I really do want kids.

That's why it was even cooler when my cousin and his mate came up with there kids. Me and Isaac caught up with our old pranking ways. Which made our mates laugh at us. And of course Carter and Chrysie hit it off so well they've been keeping in contact ever since they came. I was also amazing how she dealed with her children, she was like the perfect mom. That's when Chrysie started asking for advice for when we have kids. She said when so I knew then she wanted kids.

And of course before all of that Blue left to discover his own path and way in life. I knew he would since he was so miserable around all of the happy couples. He mostly consoled with Chrysie about his sadness and she convinced him that he just need to find his own way, not the way he thinks should be taken. So he was going to make his own way in life. I was actually really proud of him, but I still miss the kid a lot.

So that's basically what has happened and I'm ready to mate my beautiful future wife. To make her mine and claim her so all other wolves know to stay away. Soon Chrysanthe will be my wife and we will live happily ever after. I don't care if you think it's cheese because she's my one and only.

The End of their story but the beginning of a new one.

Hey so this did leave one thing open, what happens to Blue. Well the fourth book of the Soul mate series will answer that question. Check it out on the next chapter.

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