Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Sunpool lead the way out of the Gathering, her tail held high and her nose in the air. By her side was Cheetahstar, and the members of FlowerClan followed, most of them reluctantly, and with much muttering. Lightningfeather noticed they were making their way towards the meadows of FlowerClan, and looked across to Cinderstorm, to ask why. Before he could speak, she murmured, "Probably to collect the rest of the members of FlowerClan. And," she added, lowering her voice, "to drop off the ones who don't want to come along."

Lightningfeather nodded and turned back to grace frontwards. It seemed so sinister: "to drop off the ones who don't want to come along." He wondered if any of the cats would put up a fight, and hoped not. That would make it so much of a scene. He didn't want a scene. A scene would be bad.

Cinderstorm pressed closer to him, her soft gray fur tickling his side, and he breathed in her sweet scent. Whatever happened, he thought, they were together. They would get through this together.

Suddenly, he realized that as long as Applestar was the leader of CloudClan, he couldn't go back. She'd never accept him, no matter what happened. He wasn't her brother anymore: he was dead to her. He knew his sister well enough to know that nothing would change that, ever.


It was a silent march as they made their way up to the FlowerClan camp. Lightningfeather had to keep a close watch at the ground as he picked his way along; the meadow, riddled with flowers, was also dotted with holes, dips in the ground, unexpected slopes, and other unpleasant surprises Lightningfeather hadn't had to pay attention to in CloudClan territory. His paws and ankles were sore from the amount of times he'd tripped when they finally reached the FlowerClan camp.

The camp was set in a small hollow, the top of the hill hanging over to form a sheltered patch. The dens were woven from leaves and bracken, and were dotted with the bright colors of petals. The fresh-kill pile sat in the corner of the camp, and a gigantic root, twisted high against the night sky, grew in one corner. 

"We're back!" Cheetahstar called, making his way into the camp. Lightingfeather stopped gaping and looked back at the dark brown leader, wondering how he would announce the three exiled CloudClan cats. "And we have... we have news," he added, as if reading Lightningfeather's thoughts. 

Cheetahstar motioned for the three CloudClan cats to come over, and Lightingfeather, Cinderstorm, and Sunpool all made their way over, standing in a line: Lightinngfeather, then Cinderstorm, then Sunpool. "I'm going to explain what happened to the Clan," he told them, his voice low. "Follow me, and sit under the Twisted Root."

Sunpool dipped her head once and lead the way over to the Twisted Root, and Lightningfeather and Cinderstorm followed. Cheetahstar bounded nimbly up the side of the Twisted Root and called, "All cats old enough to run gather beneath the Twisted Root for a Clan meeting!"

The cats from the Gathering already knew what was happening, so they were calm as they made their way over. However, the cats who had been sleeping woke up slowly and made their way out, grumbling.

The deputy, a handsome gray tom named Jayflight, made his way over to Lightningfeather, Cinderstorm, and Sunpool. "I'm supposed to sit with you," he told them. "Cheetahstar thinks that if I seem like I'm friends with you, the Clan will accept you faster. Not that we couldn't be great friends," he added hastily. "We just aren't, you know?"

"Yes, that's fine," Sunpool mewed silkily, her tail curled neatly around her paws. She sounded distant and professional, and not like the Sunpool Lightningfeather knew.

"So..." Jayflight meowed, apparently trying to say something in a way that wouldn't sound offensive. "Well, Sunpool, did you... are you..."

"Did I ever train in the Dark Forest?" Sunpool filled in. "Yes, I am, although I got out just in time. I was young, back then: barely more than an apprentice, and I didn't quite understand the ways of the Clan. I would've known better if I'd been educated on the Dark Forest and StarClan and all, but I wasn't, so I really had no idea. Of course," she added, laughing, "I guess I was pretty stupid- I can't believe I thought that dingy old forest was good!"

Jayflight laughed, but it sounded forced. "And did Applestar ever... you know..."

"Train there?" Sunpool asked, her tone suddenly serious. "Oh, yes. I fought her, and she beat me. I nearly died- I had to have..." she stopped, her voice catching. "I found help where I least wanted it," she finally said. Her voice cracked, and she swallowed.

"Oh," Jayflight said softly. He seemed to decide that it was probably a bad idea to talk to Sunpool more, so he turned to Cinderstorm and Lightningfeather. "And who are you?" He asked politely.

"I'm Cinderstorm," Cinderstorm said, "and this is my mate, Lightningfeather. Sunpool is my best friend."

Sunpool threw Cinderstorm a glance that Lightningfeather caught quickly before it was wiped from her face. It was a look of half-shock, and half-thankfulness. Almost like Sunpool didn't expect for Cinderstorm to say that they were best friends, Lightningfeather noted. Strange. Very strange. 

"Cats of FlowerClan!" Cheetahstar yowled, his voice breaking through the conversation. With a start, Lightningfeather turned and saw that the entire Clan had gathered, and most was looking at the four of them. "I see that you have noticed the CloudClan cats here," Cheetahstar meowed. He flicked his tail at Lightningfeather, Cinderstorm, and Sunpool. "Please, stand and introduce yourselves."

Sunpool stood readily, all traces of sadness gone. "My name is Sunpool," she said, shortly. Cinderstorm stood up beside her and meowed, "I'm Cinderstorm." Lightningfeather got up last and said, "And I'm Lightningfeather."

Lightningfeather sat down, but a voice made him stand again. Someone other than Cheetahstar had shouted Sunpool's name. "Sunpool?"

A dark brown tom stood, paws clumsy as he made his way towards Sunpool, the look on his face showing nothing but anger.

Another update yay

I'm in Ireland and I'm super tired because I didn't get to sleep until one last night




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