Chapter Seven

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Rage spilled out of Sunpool and she rocketed forward, her own strength surprising her, and pinned Brambleflower.

The she cat yowled, and Sunpool pressed her paw to her throat. "What the StarClan," she hissed, "was that performance?!"

She was so angry, it surprised even her. Hastily, she loosened her grip on Brambleflower, only enough so the she cat could breathe.

"I was warning CloudClan about what was happening to them!" Brambleflower snarled, her tail whipping behind Sunpool. Sunpool glared at her.

"Well, all you've done is stirred everyone up, and put them even more on edge than they were before," she growled, remembering how Applestar and her kits were being isolated, and Cloverfur's distress. Behind Sunpool, she heard a muffled gasp from Cinderstorm, and a murmur from Lightningfeather.

"It's not like you're mad about that," Brambleflower shot back, wiggling ferociously to try and loosen Sunpool's grip further. Sunpool pressed down, unsheathing her claws so they pricked her throat. "You're just upset that your mate's dead!"

Sunpool felt a flare of hot rage burn in her, almost spilling out into the forest where she stood. "Don't," she hissed, "talk about him as if you knew him. As if you knew about our relationship. Because you don't. And if you do, then I will bring you back to HollyClan and let them torture you. I will. Because I know who you are."

A smile lit her face.

"Welcome to the world of wild cats, Stanley," she meowed, narrowing her eyes with a smile. "Enjoying your stay?"

"Sunpool!" Cinderstorm hissed.

Sunpool didn't turn. "A moment, please, Cinderstorm."

"No, Sunpool, look!"

Sunpool turned, which was a mistake. Brambleflower lunged up from underneath her, snapping her sharp teeth. Sunpool rolled out of the way a second two late; Brambleflower's claws scored down her flank, scattering drops of scarlet blood. Lightningfeather yowled as Sunpool got to her paws, shaking off her pelt. The ginger-spotted tom reared and slashed at Brambleflower's ears. Brambleflower ducked and butted him down with her head.

Letting out a muted gasp, Cinderstorm leaped into the fray, fighting side by side with Sunpool. Brambleflower was a surprisingly good fighter from someone who had left the kittypet life only a few moons ago. But she was no match for Sunpool, Cinderstorm, and Lightningfeather all together. Soon, they had her pinned once again.

"What did you want me to see?" Sunpool asked, her unsheathed-clawed paw placed upon Bramblefower's throat. All of them were panting, and Sunpool was exhilerated from the fight, but she was covered in slash marks. That'll be fun to explain to Cloverfur.

Then she remembered Cloverfur was hiding in her den, and Sorrelkit was probably dying.

"This," Cinderstorm mewed in a hushed tone. She padded away, grabbed something, and trotted back. Sunpool spared the thing a look.

"It's just a-" Sunpool began, then she began to put the pieces together. She looked up, noticing the leaf's golden hue.

"You sent it," she whispered.

Brambleflower hissed lowly. "Can we get on with this?"

Sunpool tightened her grip on the she cat. "We ask the questions here. What was that shenanigans back at camp about? Do you realize that you've left us without a leader and without a medicine cat?"

"They're still there, aren't they?" Brambleflower growled. "I-"

Sunpool cut her off. Annoyance and anger flooded her, fueling her response. "Oh, yeah, because when a cat comes into the Clan and announces that the leader and medicine cat are evil, THEY'LL TOTALLY TAKE ORDERS FROM THEM! I'm so sure."

Her voice rose to a shout. That wasn't all she wanted to say, but Cinderstorm cut her off. "Sunpool, relax, you're suffocating her."

Sunpool loosened her grip reluctantly and slowly and Brambleflower sucked in a breath.

"You may not like me," Brambleflower meowed, "but I have information for you. Haven't you ever wondered who your father was? Why your mother wasn't so surprised to find out that you have powers? Oh yes," she added, seeing Sunpool's half-heartbeat look of surprise. "I know about your powers."

Sunpool closed her eyes. It was true that she had always wanted to know where she came from, and who her father was. Frost had never told her, ever, not even when she asked. But I can't trust anything this cat says. She opened her eyes back up. "I don't want any information from you."

"Oh, but you do," Brambleflower meowed, smiling viciously. Sunpool felt a burst of fear that the she cat had some idea of what she wanted. "You do."

And with a ripping movement, she wrenchd herself free from Sunpool and turned, racing away, into the trees.


I have a snow day today! Yay!

Hehe I thought of TMI when it said 'jumped into the fray'.


ALSO: Really big plot twist at the end of the book. It's gonna be great. That's all I shall say... >:)

Shortish chappie. Byeee!


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