Chapter Two

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Everything was so strange now that Rainkit's father was gone.

In his place was a weird, empty hole that nothing could fill. Not her mother's increased attentions to her and her sisters. Not more fresh kill, which meant more milk. Not even finally being allowed to play with Peonystorm's kits.

Nothing could replace Goldleaf.

With a sigh and a swish of her tail, she got up from where she was lying and padded over to the medicine den. The way it was constructed was a cave, but it was made by cats, and rocks were piled up against each other, which allowed for nice places only a kit could sit on top. She climbed up, and settled into a spot that was hidden from the outside world.

This place was her sanctuary. She felt like she could see anyone up here, but they couldn't see her. It was an ideal spot.

The sky was darkening, nearing twilight, and Rainkit couldn't stay still. Finally, after a few heartbeats of twitching, she got up idly and got out of her spot. Then she padded over Sorrelkit. "Wanna play Catch-the-Squirrel?"

Sorrelkit shrugged, flicking her tail as she watched someone behind Rainkit's back; Rainkit glanced back but couldn't see anything. "Sure," Sorrelkit said finally, and Sunpaw grinned.

"Awesome. The only problem is... Well, there's no squirrels."

Sorrelkit stifled a giggle and blinked. "Well. We could use moss."

Rainkit nodded. "Where's the moss?"

"There's some in the medicine den," Sorrelkit replied, angling her head and ears at the cave.

Rainkit nodded. "Wanna go get it?"

She led the way as they padded across the camp. She happened to glance behind her, when she noticed a small, light gray she cat giving her the oddest of looks. It was kind of a mixture of disgust, anger, and pity. Then a shadow crossed her gaze and she turned away, back to talking with a silver tabby she cat.

The silver tabby was Sunpool, Rainkit knew, who was one of her father's best friends when he was alive. Sunpool was almost inseparable from Cinderstorm, who was probably that gray she cat. But what was she giving her those looks for? Shrugging, Rainkit turned away, but she kept the matter in her mind.

Continuing on the way to the medicine den, she heard Sorrelkit stumble behind her and glanced around to see. At first, she couldn't figure out what was happening, because Sorrelkit was now on the ground, curled in on her side, her back to Rainkit. She was shuddering, and her legs were spasming.

Rainkit stared at her in total confusion for a minute, then felt herself being buffeted aside by a huge weight. She felt herself flying, and landed messily in a half-crouch a few paces away. All thoughts of Cinderstorm had been thrust from her mind. Sorrelkit's mother, Peonystorm, was standing over her, her fur fluffed out. Rainkit saw the tenseness in her shoulders.

What the...

"Cloverfur!" Peonystorm called, her voice shrill. Rainkit realized that something bad seemed to be happening to Sorrelkit, and walked forward a few paces. By this point, most of the cats in the Clan were looking around, some with looks of confusion on their faces. Amberclaw, the deputy, padded forward, bending down to sniff Sorrelkit.

Sorrelkit gave a weak mewl, and Rainkit noticed a white, frothy thing on the ground next to her. She did not understand how she could have suddenly freaked out like this when just a few heartbeats ago she had been totally fine.

Cloverfur hurried over, her fur dishevled, leaves sticking out of her pelt. She dropped into a crouch next to Sorrelkit, nudging Amberclaw and Peonystorm away, her paws flying over the little kit's contorting body. A gray tom with a distinctive white mark on his forehead came up behind Peonystorm and gently led her away, casting an anxious look at Sorrelkit.

Rainkit's mother called from the Rock Pile. "I know you're all worried about Sorrelkit," Applestar began. "But she won't get any better by everyone fussing over her; in fact, it'll probably make her worse. So everyone, stay out of the way, unless Cloverfur calls for you. Okay? Okay."

She leaped down and went back to sitting at the base, talking with a black tom with ginger spots. Rainkit thought his name was Lightningfeather.

Still, she stayed where she was, her gray pelt helping her blend into the shadows. What was happening? What was wrong with Sorrelkit? What had caused it?

Had someone -or something- poisoned her?

If so, who? How?

Was there a murderer in their midst?


Yay dis was from Rain's PoV! Ehhh bad Cinderstorm. Bad.

Sorry this took forever to come out!! D; I'll be better!




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