Chapter 6, Another day of work...

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Your POV


You woke up, feeling like you ruled the world. You shook Jeremy. "Wake up! We only have three hours till work!" You said. Jeremy fake yawned, and pretended to keep sleeping. "Come on sleeping beauty!" You kissed him, then he woke up.

"G-good morning!" He says happily. You smiled.

"More like good evening..." You replied laughing. He laughed too.

You got up and took a shower, and got dressed in a really cute outfit with your security guard hat, Jeremy was dressed nicely as well. You grabbed your purse, your keys, wallet, phone, and a little makeup bag. "Let's go!" You say.

"O-okay." he replied.

You two got in his car and started driving.

"So, is Mike gonna be there tonight?" You asked.

"Yeah," he replied.


You and Jeremy walked into the office.

"There you guys are! Just in time eh?" Mike said.

"Uh, y-yeah." Jeremy replied.

"So, Y/N, how have you been lately?" Mike said flirtatiously.

"Um, okay." You replied.

"Your outfit is really cute, and you are too." Mike said.

"Uh, thanks?" You said.


Bonnie's POV


Another good old night, earlier I scared the kids, they hated it, I loved it. I got to taste some pizza, but I think I broke my system a little.  Well, too bad... it's not like those dumb owners are gonna repair me or anything. I also realized something today, I like Chica, and she probably doesn't like me.

"Hey, Bonnie!" Chica said suddenly with her withered robotic voice.

"Hey Bea- I mean Chica!" I said, I almost said beautiful!


Your POV


You wonder what Mike is gonna do when he finds out You love Jeremy, not him... at least not in that way. You got really bored so You started spinning in your chair. You stood up because You needed to stretch. Freddy was in the doorway, he surprised me, You jumped a little. he got in and we put our masks on. He really got a good look at you. Then he left.

"DING DONG DING DONG YAY!" The 6AM alarm went off.

"Well, that was a really boring night." You said. "Well, time to go."

Jeremy grabbed your hand and you two walked out. Mike looked at the floor for a minute. 

"Bye Mike," You said.

"Bye Y/N." He said.


Mike's POV


This is the most horrible day ever, I officially hate Jeremy!

I'm going to friend Y/N on Facebook, maybe she'll like me then.

I look up her name.

I found her, Y/N L/N, her picture is her and Jeremy... but I still friended her.


Your POV


"Beep, beep" your phone had a notification.

"Hmm.." You said.

You checked it, Mike had friended you on Facebook.

"Jere," You said.

"Y-yeah?" He replied.

"Mike friended me on Facebook, should I friend him back?" You asked.

"Uh, s-sure I g-guess." He said.

You did, but you were nervous.

Hello, I hope you enjoyed! Apparently Mike is sad about this, too bad... will he keep going? You'll find out soon.... ~Zoe

Jeremy Fitzgerald x Reader (FNAF fanfiction) (editing)Where stories live. Discover now