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-Your POV-

You were panicking, what were you supposed to do!?

"Y/N, Maybe... maybe... OH I DON'T KNOW!" Mike says to you. "You could... no... Maybe!? Or... What should we do?"

Suddenly, a strange woman comes up to you and Mike.

"Hello, I am TacoGurl! I like chucking potatoes at people!" She says, although her nametag (Why does she have a nametag?) didn't SAY TacoGurl, it says Charity.

"Huh...?" You replied.

She throws potatoes all over you guys.

You two ran away from this girl.

She was wearing a shirt that had a taco cat on it. She had cheetah pink pants. She had dark brown short hair.

"Well that was... STRANGE." You said. "Well we must focus on finding Jer, WAIT! Maybe she knows!"

"Yeah, let's head back." Mike replied.

You two headed back to this... 'TacoGurl' person.

You tapped her shoulder.

"Excuse m-" You asked.

"I AM A TACO WARRIOR!" She interrupted.

"OK. Uh, cool... So have you seen a guy around... short chocolate brown hair, and a green sweatshirt...?" You asked.

"Yeah, a 'purple guy' dragged him over to the Tacobell!" She replied.

"Well... I think, I don't imagine this 'purple guy' dragging him over to Tacobell, but... maybe? I don't see Vincent doing that!" You answered.

You and Mike headed off to the Tacobell next to your house, as you left 'TacoGurl' was yelling at the sky.

She is saying "HEY! If you are reading this... comment and follow me on wattpad! "

Anyway... you walked into the Tacobell and saw Vincent ordering a large cheese burrito.

You slowly walked passed him, without him noticing.

You saw Jeremy on a seat. Quietly waiting.

"JEREMY!" You yelled happily and hugged him.

"Y-Y/N! shh... don't w-want V-Vincent hearing u-us."

"Oh... right." You replied.

Vincent walked over to the table with his burrito. He saw you immediately. Carefully putting down his burrito on the table. Then walked over to you. "Hello~" He says. He pulled your arm to outside of the building, somehow Mike and Jeremy didn't realize.

He hugged you, and he pulled you into a kiss, making sure you could not let go.

Mike noticed you were gone, and ran for you, Jeremy following close behind.

He grabbed Vincent away from you. Vincent was mad, one because he loved you, two because he had cheese and burrito sauce on his face! HE ATE IT.


Sorry for the weird chapter, my good taco-friend helped me write this so... TacoGurl is her. Her username is Sweg_Kat if you'd like to check her out. I'm not sure she has any books though. Well YA cya guys LATAH!


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