Chapter 14, Another... Love at First Sight?

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Hey guys, Just telling you. This chapter is pretty similar to the last one, just so you know.

-Your POV-

It's two days after Mike and Nia got together. Your happy.

When you remember something. Vincent still likes you, and is not afraid to show it.

Why does this have to happen to you?

You just remembered something, your old 'friend' Violet. She sure reminded you a lot of Vincent. She was an only child, so she's not Vincent's sister... You still had her number, and decided to text her.

First you told Jeremy about it.

-Y/N Texting Violet-

Y/N L/N: Hey Violet remember me, Y/N?

Violet Purple: Yeah I remember you

Y/N L/N: Would you like to come visit my house tomorrow night?

Violet Purple: Of course!!! I would love to

Y/N L/N: Awesome, my address is 28 Fazbear Lane in Fazington, in the state of Fazulect. (LOL XD)

Violet Purple: Ok when should I be there

Y/N L/N: 7 tonight.

Y/N L/N: See you there.

Violet Purple: C u there too bye

-No longer Y/N texting Violet-

Now, your gonna invite Vincent, boy will he be excited.

-Y/N texting Vincent-

Y/N L/N: Hey, Vincent.

Vincent Toast: Hello Y/N~

Y/N L/N: Wanna come to my house tomorrow night? At 7... I have another friend coming over, I'd love you to come!

Vincent Toast: I'd always come to see you, I'll be there.

Y/N L/N: Yeah, yeah. See you there. Goodbye.

Vincent Toast: Bye.

-Vincent and Y/N Now are no longer texting-

"Jeremy, they're coming." You told him. "I can't wait for Vincent to stop flirting with me."

"G-good." He replied.

-Time Skip Till 7 tomorrow CUZ I'm lazy-

"They should be getting here in a minute." You said.

You got a knock at the door it's Vincent.

He hugged you tight.

"Y/N!" He said.

"Hi Vincent." You replied leading him to the table to sit down.

Another knock! That was quick.

You could see Vincent at the table from the door.

You answered, it's Violet!

"Violet! Hello!" You said cheerfully and hugged her.

"Oh Y/N!" She said.

-Vincent's POV-

I see Y/N hugging someone, I can't tell what they look like, but she's wearing purple. I like that already.

They stopped hugging, I could tell what she looked like, she looked like me!

-Violet's POV-

That boy... he looks like I do. This is weird... But cool.

I sat down at the chair next to him.

"Hi." I said.

"Hi~" He said. I blushed.

Hey guys... was this good? Sorry it's so similar to the last chapter, but next chapter will be different!


Jeremy Fitzgerald x Reader (FNAF fanfiction) (editing)Where stories live. Discover now