Chapter 18, A little crush, a little jealousy.

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-Your POV-

Today you have decided to go to the park to spend some time alone for awhile, you and Jeremy got in a little fight, and you know you're right in the fight, you're just mad. So That's why you're going.

-Time Skip-

You just arrived at the park, and you are trying to find a place to sit down at a bench or something.

Suddenly, you thought you heard a familiar voice. Oh, it's Olivia, you're friend you met in high school.

"Hey! Ricky! Give it back to me!" Olivia yelled, as you watched her chase a sort of familiar boy.

You ran after her.

"Hey! Olivia!" You yelled after her.

"Oh, hey Y/N. Haven't seen you in a few weeks," She says and hugs you. "Oh, that's Ricky. You remember him? From high school?"


"Ricky?" You said.

Then you suddenly realized it was him, the boy you crushed on until the end of high school, then you never saw each other again.

You looked at him. You realized he was still really cute.

"Ricky!" You yelled. "I do know him!"

"Um... you don't need to yell." Ricky said. "I missed you too."

You suddenly stopped, and blushed.

Wait. Are you crushing on this boy!? You are dating! How could you crush on him. You realize your mad at Jeremy, but still you couldn't cheat on Jeremy, you love Jeremy!

"Um..." Olivia said. "I think I'll leave you two alone."

"So... wanna come to my house?" He asked. "I have cake there. I know you love cake, Y/N."

"Yes I do!" You exclaimed.

"Okay then. I will drive you."

You two walked to his car and got in. He has a REALLY nice car.

-Time skippy till you arrive-

As you stepped in the door your mouth dropped. It's stunning!

"Wow Ricky! I can't believe it! It's so amazing!" You say.

"Yeah, but you are more amazing. Just saying." Ricky said. "I really did miss you Y/N."

You blushed a tiny bit.

After a bit, you two decided to watch TV.

Suddenly you checked your phone, it's 10:30 at night...

"Wait it's 10:30!?!?!??!!?" You said, surprised.

"Really?!" He said. "Let me take you home."

"Okay..." You said.

-Another time skip.-

You two just pulled in your driveway.

You stepped out of the car.

"Thanks for hanging out with me Y/N," Ricky said. "I had a great time."

"Haha, I did too..." You say, nervously.

He hugs you.

He hugs you?

He hugs you!?

"Uhmm... I have to go inside..." You said. "See you!"

"Bye..." He said.

You stepped inside the front door, and saw Jeremy standing there.

"Y/N! Where t-the h-heck have y-you be-en?!" He says, a bit angrily.

"Sorry Jeremy... I was hanging out with this..." you blush a little... "Um, this old friend of mine... sorry we lost track of time... He just brought me home. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to pass out on the couch."

"W-who?" Jeremy says, too late because you had already passed out on the couch.


Hey guys!!!

So you gotta little crush, eh?

Anyway lol...

Sorry I haven't updated in AGES!!!! I know I suck... XD

I really want to update more often. I'm gonna try. That's what I always say, but I'm gonna try...

And thank you again for 5K READS! :')

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