Chapter 7, Meeting Fritz, Scott, and..

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Your POV


Finally, you were all cozy in your bed with Jeremy.


"Ugh, I'm starving..." You wake up.

You woke up Jeremy by saying that.

"Y-yeah... I-I'm hungry..." He replied.

You got out of bed and starting cooking, breakfast? Lunch you guess...

You were cooking your delicious homemade pizza, you were an awesome cook. Suddenly, you got a phone call.

"Oh, I'm getting a call." You say. "Hello?"

"Hey! So, I know I'm crazy for this, but we are adding two, yes two new guards, by the names of Scott, and Fritz Smith... for whatever reason Scott doesn't want to tell me his last name (Because I don't know it xD, is Phone Guy's name Scott Cawthon? Tell me!!!), well, I'm calling Jeremy and Mike now, bye!" Boss says.

"Wait! I can tell Jeremy, I'm with him now, anyway bye!" You say.

"Okay, bye!" He replied.

"Jeremy, two new guys Fritz Smith and Scott are joining us in our shift tonight." You say.

"O-okay!" he replied.

You continued making your pizza, finally it was ready.

"Pizza's ready!" You yell. Jeremy ran in as fast as possible.

You two loved the pizza.

A few minutes later, you and Jeremy went to watch TV.

(TIME SKIP TO 11:31 PM!)

"Jere, it's time to go!" You say grabbing your stuff.

"O-okay!" He said.

(TIME SKIP TO THE PIZZERIA, I know, how many time skips can I make!? xD)

You entered the pizzeria, seeing two new guys there, one had a red phone head!? Weird... the other had ginger hair and was a bit on the chubby side, but you didn't judge!

"Hi, I'm Fritz. Nice to meet you." The ginger haired one said.

"Hello, I'm Scott, but you can just call me PG!" The phone head guy said.

"I'm Mike, nice to meet you Scott and Fritz." Mike said.

"I-I'm J-Jeremy." Jeremy said.

"And I'm Y/N!" You said giggling.

But then, another man walked in, he had all purple skin, purple clothes, purple hair, this guy must like purple.

"Hey, I'm Vincent~" He said. "Boss probably didn't tell you about me..."

You were shocked, the boss didn't tell you about this weird creepy guy.

You all walked in to the office.

There were new heads to wear!

Vincent got Bonnie, Jeremy got Freddy, Mike got Foxy, you got Chica, Fritz got another Chica, and Scott got another Freddy.


Chica's POV


Aw, new guards... their cute... except for Vincent, I hate him, me and Vincent had a bad past.

"Bonnie, Freddy, Foxy!" I say. "It's Vincent, he's back!"

"Oh. Oh no, this is not good. This is not good at all." Bonnie said.

"Aye, ye must get 'im" Foxy said.

"Well, I'm not experienced with Vincent, but you have told me all I need to know about this horrible man!" Mangle replied eagerly.


Vincent's POV


Well, I must say, Y/N is quite the cutie, I can just image us, even if she don't like me, that won't stop me. As long as she ain't dating anybody else.


Your POV


"So, Y/N. What do you enjoy doing beautiful?~" Vincent says to you.

"Um, I usually don't do much, I don't have a lot of spare time, But I've been thinking about having a vacation." You say.

"Oh, and who do you plan taking with you on this vacation?~" He replied.

"I don't know, maybe we can all go on a vacation together!" You said. Mike grumbled.

"If you do do that, I wouldn't invite jerk-face Vincent with you." Mike said.

"Hey!" Vincent said.

After that everything went silent... until all of a sudden the animatronics started coming out, like crazy! Do this, do that, ugh! This is so hard!

You all put on your masks quickly.

Freddy came in, and grabbed Vincent's arm! He took Vincent to the parts & service room, you were scared for him.

You carefully watched the cameras, then you saw Vincent screaming and running out as fast as possible. even though you didn't really like this Vincent guy, you were glad he was safe.

HEYYYY GUYS, so Vinny seems to like you, some competition, Jeremy VS Mike VS Vincent, to get you, I'm assuming you choose to stay with Jeremy though... well

BAIIII!!!! ~Zoe

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