Chapter 20, Friend Date (and A/N)

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Your POV

Ricky and you went to a restaurant, the name of it was Fabulous Foods. You thought it sounded weird, but still fun...

"C'mon! Let's go in Y/N!" Ricky said.

"Uhm... okay!" You said, slightly nervously.

You walk in with him...

"Yo! Do you cute couple need a table!?" A young girl said at the counter.

"Yeah, sure... th-thanks..." Ricky said, blushing red.

You were starting to consider Ricky likes you, you didn't want that. AT ALL!

"Uhm... okay... yeah." You said, awkwardly.

"So... " he starts.

"What?" You said, nervously.

"Uh.. have you been... like, I don't know... dating around?" He asks.

"Um... not really, no." You said.

"Hmm... do you want to?" He asks.

"I mean... Not... not really..." You said.

Hey guys, I can't believe how many reads this has, but more of what I can't believe is how not often I am posting this!!! I've been trying, and forgetting... I keep saying this, and it's no excuse... I will keep trying to post more! -Zoe

Jeremy Fitzgerald x Reader (FNAF fanfiction) (editing)Where stories live. Discover now