Chapter 10, Missing

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-Your POV-

You just arrived home, and Jeremy wasn't there yet. The reason he is out so late, is because his brother lived in France, so it's actually daytime for him now, you think. You don't quite remember what he said, and your horrible at Geography, and stuff like that.

Your really excited for Jeremy to come home.

You decided to just go to sleep, though.

You couldn't sleep.

Finally, you heard the bedroom door creek open.

You peeked out from under the blanket, it was him!

You immediately jumped out, into his arms.

You smiled at him. "JEREMY! I MISSED YOU OH, SO MUCH!" You screamed, not meaning to. "Oh, sorry to scream..."

"I-It's o-okay... I mi-missed you. I l-love you." He replied.

You kissed him, and jumped back to the bed.

You fell asleep in his arms. (HOW CUTE IS DAT ^.^)

-Le Time Skip-

You just woke up, Jeremy was fast asleep still.

But, you heard an unusual sound, it sounded like someone walking around in the house.

Jeremy woke up.

"G-good morning. I'm g-going t-to the b-bathroom." He said yawning.

He went out to the bathroom.

Then you heard him scream.

"Jeremy!" You yelled.

You were wondering what was going on.

Until you saw something... in the hallway, the edge of it.

You saw a glimpse of something... purple.

You immediately had a pretty good idea what was happening.

But, you heard a noise. It was someone yelling, it sounded like Mike... he was outside.

Vincent came towards you.

"Hello... love~" He said.

"Hello... jerk." You replied. "What are you doing in this house?!"

"Looking for you, we have to go... Jeremy did something terrible, Mike is trying to get to you... he's jealous." He said.

Vincent grabbed you, and ran out the front door. But, you saw Mike standing right there.

Quickly you yelled to him. "MIKE! Help me! Please! I can't get down."

"Okay prett- I mean Y/N!" Mike replied, punching Vincent and letting him fall to the ground, dropping you.

"Ouch!" You said. "But... thank you Mike. So much!" You said and hugged him.

Mike blushed.

You just remembered... WHERE'S JEREMY!?

"Wait... where's Jeremy!?" You said.

Cliffy hanger, sorrah.


Jeremy Fitzgerald x Reader (FNAF fanfiction) (editing)Where stories live. Discover now