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"Right, well, before you work hard, why don't I take you to your first job of the day?" Newt asked. He took his top off suddenly, showing some defined muscles and I gaped, staring. Then I quickly turned around on the spot, embarrassed, mouth shut tight.
"You alright, Greenie?" Newt asked, probably still getting changed.
"I would've thought you'd want some privacy." I answered honestly.
"I was only changing my top." Newt explained. I decided it had been enough time for Newt to put a top on, so I turned around again to find him right behind me. As a reflex, I slapped him. Around the face. He cupped his cheek and grimaced at me.
"Bloody hell! That's the second time you've gone for me! The second time!" Newt exclaimed.
"Sorry!" I apologized, touching his cheek with my thumb as if it was a fragile antique. "Is it okay?" I asked. Being the only one to actually see the red mark forming, Newt nodded and smiled.
"Let's take you to the gardens."

"So you dig up the onions and then pass them onto Fry Pan where he can use them for later, okay?" Newt explained to me as we stood by some gladers, gardening in a massive patch of dirt and sticks near the edge of the glade.
"I shouldn't be doing this," I groaned, looking at the shovels and buckets. "I want to be a runner, how is this going to help me?"
"You said you would work," Newt said, picking up a shovel off the floor and passing it to me. "I'll be with Alby in the map room if you need me." With that, Newt left me and started walking to the center of the glade to that concrete building. I had noticed that Newt had a limp, ever since me and Teresa ran away from the gladers.
I knelt down and decided I might as well pitch in with helping dig up the onions. About half an hour later, I finished one patch of onions and finally felt proud, then to see I had three more to do. Groaning, I bent back down on my knees and continued. Teresa came over and sat next to me with a shovel and gardening gloves.
"They got you doing this as well, huh?" I asked, taking a break and sitting back on my bottom.
"Yeah, I just had the slaughter house." Teresa explained and I gasped at what she said. I was not going to kill animals. "You've probably got it next."
"Um, no I haven't." I shook my head fast. "I'm going to refuse. I'm going on strike form work."
Teresa laughed and started on the onions next to me.
"Hey, Teresa? How did you remember your name?" I asked, curious.
"I just heard it. In my head. One person saying a name and I assumed it was mine." I gasped at her answer.
I had heard someone saying a name. In my sleep. So was that my name?
"I think I know my name," I whispered. Then Teresa stopped gardening and looked at me, wide-eyed. "I-I think I'm... Riley."

After three more patches were complete, I said goodbye to Teresa and walked over to the cook with two buckets full of onions. Nobody was there, so I placed them on a bench. Then I made my way over to the concrete building in the center of the glade. I was told by Newt not to go into the building as only runners were allowed in, so it confused me why he was allowed. What was Newt's job, anyway?
Once I arrived there, I leaned my back against the wall and wiped some sweat from my forehead. The sun was blazing down on the glade, and I was surprised how I didn't see any birds.

After waiting five minutes, Newt appeared out of a wooden door. He smiled when he saw me and limped his way over.

"You all finished?" He asked, running his fingers through his hair.

"Yep," I nodded.
"Luckily for you, you're not going to the slaughter house next." Newt smirked and my heart fluttered. I wasn't sure if it was at him or the fact that I didn't have to slay some chickens. "Alby still thinks you're doing it, so just keep this between you and me, okay?"
I frowned, confused at what he was talking about.
"I'm going to teach you to fight."

Newt took me to a clearing behind some trees near where the hammocks were.
"You're going to need to be able to fight, if you want to be a runner." Newt explained, walking over to the center.
"I thought to be a runner you need to be able to run," I joked, crossing my arms and smirking. Newt rolled his eyes.
"But what happens if you run into a Griever?" Newt started circling me and I spun around with him.
"I'd run." I exaggerated.
"And if you were cornered?" Newt continued circling me and I joined in.
"I'd run around it."

"But that doesn't always work."
"Fighting something three times your size isn't any better."
"What if something- or someone- does a surprise attack."
"Who would do a surprise attack on-"
Suddenly, Newt jumped forward to me and grabbed my forearm, forcing me to spin around. He pushed my arm on my back and whispered in my ear as I struggled.
"You never know," Newt let go of me and I turned around to face him. We circled again.
"Okay, so you did. Who else?"
"Someone past the Gone," Newt explained as I shook out my arm because it was stiff from where he had grabbed me.
"What's the Gone?"
"Grievers can sting people and it... turns them. Makes them go mad." Newt paused, then continued. "It's like they're mentally disturbed, or something."
"Sounds lovely." I said sarcastically.
Then Newt stepped forward again, but this time I was ready. I dodged him trying to grab me and kicked my leg. It went higher than expected and hit Newt in the face. Baring in mind he was very much taller than me. I gasped as he stumbled back, stunned, face red.
"Oh my god, sorry!" I said, walking forward and cupping his cheek to see how hot it was. It was boiling.
"Third time," Newt grinned and shook my hand off. "I'm fine. I'm guessing you did dance or something before you came to the glade."
"Probably." I agreed. Surprisingly, Newt started circling me again.
"Let's try again," he said, kind of angrily.
"Newt, your face is bruising. I don't think we-" But I was cut off, yet again, by Newt lunging forward. This time he took me in his arms, bridal style, and carried me to walk out of the clearing.
"Newt!" I struggled in his arms. "Put me down! Ugh!"
Newt just chuckled as we went past some trees and appeared back near our hammocks. I had realized how the time had flew and it was already late afternoon.
Newt was still holding me in his arms and I gave up with struggling, just accepted it. He was not paying attention to me as I looked at him, carrying me past our hammocks and into the woods.
"Where are we going?" I asked Newt, still staring at him.
He looked at me also and grinned. "Somewhere."
He took me further past trees, walking over leaves and sticks until we reached a large oak. There were some wooden planks in the leaves above, like a tree house. Newt set me down on the grass and I brushed down my grey top and trousers.
Newt walked around to the back of the tree and I followed him. He climbed up a ladder that lead up to the tree house. I followed him, step after step and leg after leg until I found myself climbing onto some planks on a cushion.

Newt sat on one and he pointed to one next to him. When I crawled over, hands on knees so that I wouldn't bang my head on some branches, Newt slid down onto his back and put his hands behind his head. I got comfortable and lay on my stomach, hands under my chin.
"How did you get the cushions?" I asked, feeling the soft fabric under me.
"I made them. Their stuffed with feathers from the slaughter house." Newt explained.
"Clever," Newt grinned even more at my compliment.
"Why'd you bring me up here?" I wondered out loud.
"Honestly, I'm not sure." Newt frowned, his grin turning into a kind of confused grimace.
"I'm honored." I giggled. Newt looked at me, his eyes glistening, but he didn't smile. It was just a comfortable expression. I rested on my hands and stared back in wonder. I smiled because it was a reflex. My world, content.
Newt slid his hand under my neck, causing me to turn on my back. My heart racing, he pulled me so I rested my head and arms on his chest. I wrapped my arms around his torso and closed my eyes as he embraced me, hands on my waist.
"Go to sleep," Newt whispered into my hair. I felt him kiss my head.

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