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"Oh my god..." I whispered as I watched the woman shoot herself. I turned away and my face muffled into Newt's chest. He put his arms around me and I heard him cuss.
"Bloody hell..."
"Over there!" Chuck pointed to our left towards a desk that looked a lot like the desk the woman sat at in the video. I stepped away from Newt and towards the desk and I realized there was a body in the chair of the desk. It was the woman in the video.
Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on my hip from where I was hit by the griever, and I collapsed on the ground. I felt people rush around me, and I was pulled somewhere on the ground by Thomas' strong arms. He put me up against a wall and I rested my hip. My head span and I felt faint from all the blood loss.
"Riley, what's wrong?" Newt asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Is she okay?" Teresa called from behind.
"What's wrong with her hip?" Winston said.
Newt realized, but I couldn't see his facial expression because everything was going blurry and confusing.
"I... I think I might... might pass out." I stumbled, taking deep breaths every second.
"Okay, that's fine, just relax." Newt said. His face was now completely out of focuse. "Riley, what happened?"
"G... griever..."
"Shit." I heard Thomas whisper. "I think she's loosing too much-"
"Uh, guys." Chuck said, looking back somewhere, then Thomas got up and walked over to where everyone was staring at. Someone was standing by the entrance to the lab. It was a big figure, so I assumed it was a boy. They raised an arm and pointed it at Thomas. Then everyone suddenly stood behind Thomas, except Newt who stayed with me.
"Newt..." I said, closing my eyes. "I want... to rest..."
"You can't, honey, don't rest now." Newt cupped my face with both hands and I opened my vision. "Concentrate on me."
"Thomas." The figure spoke and I instantly knew who it was.
"Gally, put the gun down!" Thomas said in a calming voice, and he stepped forwards a little.
"Gun?!" I whispered in shock.
"Stay calm." Newt answered back, focusing on Thomas' safety.
I tried to concentrate on Newt while Gally spoke to Thomas, but I didn't understand what he was saying because my ears were ringing. Sweating and exhaling deeply, I sat up straight and rubbed my head, squeezing my eyes shut. My waist shot out pain again and I cried in excruitiation, falling to my left.
"Riley!" Newt said, worrying, placing his hands on my shoulders and putting me upright.
"It's my waist." I could speak a bit more clearly now that I was concentrating on staying concious. Newt lifted up my top and I saw how the blood and sinked through my make-shift bandage so much it was staining my top. Newt unwrapped the material and displayed a disgusting mix of flesh and blood as my wound. I had to look away I was cringing so much. Newt ripped some of his own top and did the same as I did, but I felt tighter.
"It will stop the bleeding."
Then the ringing stopped as I heard a gunshot.
And Chuck... Chuck... fell to the ground into Thomas' arms. Chuck was shot.

I crawled on my hands and knees, half standing, half stumbling over to Chuck.
"No!" Thomas yelled as he cried all over Chuck's gunshot wound. Gally was also lying on the floor. He had been stabbed by a spear. Gally was dead. Chuck was dying. I was wounded. I felt like my world was falling apart. The only part that comforted me was Newt, and he was crying next to me. I stood up, wobbly at first, but I stood still.
I hated to see everyone crying. I hated to see Newt and Thomas crying. Teresa. Frypan. I hated it. I hated how I wasn't crying. How I couldn't cry. I felt so much pain for everyone else, that I wasn't focusing on my own emotions. I guess that was good.
Chuck lay there in Thomas' arms, looking so weak. How could someone do this? To a little kid? How could Gally do this to Chuck? All I knew was, Chuck was dead and we were all standing there in silence.
Then the still-ness ended and a huge door opened on the gap in the wall, and a huge wind hit us hard. People ran in, holding guns and we stumbled back, however they weren't pointing them at us. They wore black armour and a mask, like a military kind of outfit.
"Come on!" One of the men in masks shouted, gesturing out the door and into whiteness.
Nobody moved because we were too scared.
"Hurry up! We're here to rescue you!" Another man shouted. Me and Newt shared a look and we nodded, accelrating forwards out the door. The rest followed. We ran through the small tunnel-like tube and out into the whiteness.

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