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As me and Newt ran, my heart raced wirh adrenaline, and I felt like I could achieve anything. We reached the end of the corridor tube and my eyes adapted to the brightness slowly, so I had to stop at the end with Newt to take a closer look at what we were looking at.
It was a huge desert, just millions of metres of sand and wrecks of vehicles. I could see, across the scorching gold, a small supermarket that was squashed into the ground somehow. The sun blazed down on the earth and straight ahead of us, all sound was blocked out by a landing helicopter.
I looked at Newt to my left and he looked at me. We smiled at each other, and, without conciously knowing it, I took his hand in mine and he pulled me closer.
We were pushed forwards by the men in uniform as Minho ran past us towards the helicopter where more soldiers waited. We rushed forwards, both of us limping, and picking up speed. Once we reached the helicopter, I was helped up by Newt's grip on my waist, then I pulled him up with Minho's help. A man was sitting by us, but he wasn't the pilot.
"Who are you?" Minho yelled over the noise of the helicopter while Thomas and the others ran towards us.
"That's for you to know later." The man nodded and crawled his way over to the passenger seat at the front. I slid over to the other side of the helicopter by the window and Newt sat opposite me.
Thomas and Minho crawled up, but I could still see tears streaming down Thomas' face. I knew it would take a while for him to get over Chuck's death, but he would have to put it aside now. All the other gladers climbed in and Frypan shut the door.
"Hold on," the man in the mask yelled and I grabbed onto a bar above my head.
We were off the ground and flying across the sandy desert in no time. The sound from the helicopter had subsided, as had my pain from my hip.

I couldn't recall how long it was when I woke up, but I knew that it had been a while because everyone was asleep except Newt.
"Can't sleep?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.
Newt shook his head and smiled a thin line.
"We did it, though. We actually bloody did it." Newt laughed and ran his hands through his hair.
"Did what?"
"We made it out the maze. Shucking hell." He chuckled again and it sent millions of shivers down my spine. I smiled at him and crawled forwards one step. He leaned in also and I cupped his cheek until I was right up near his face.
When Newt lay his lips upon mine, realization suddenly hit me. I pulled away from the sweet, soft kiss and looked at his bonze eyes.
"I love you." I whispered.
"I love you." Newt replied, smirking.
Then we kissed once more and I knew that, no matter what happened, I would always be with Newt.

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