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It was a ten metre tall spider robot animal, with sharp talon-like arms and seringes attached. Gooey dripping substances oozed from every gap of it's body and flopped onto the floor. When it roared, its mouth displayed dribble and spit, while its teeth were razor-sharp like knives.
It ran towards Teresa and Thomas like a centipede, each of its eight legs moving fast.
I sprung off the rock and ran out of the crop area, Newt following behind my heels. Teresa threw a fire lamp, setting it on fire, which gave them a few moments to run before the griever rebounded. The griever was just about to lunge onto Thomas when it was shot down by a spear coming from behind me. I stopped and turned to see Newt, Minho and some other gladers throwing javelins. Newt's face was sweaty and he looked like he was shivering from adrenalin, but he got up to me and grabbed my hand, pulling me so we caught up to Teresa and Thomas. They had run to the court-like hut in the far side of the glade. Thomas stood by the door and ushured us all in, quickly closing the door behind us.
Teresa stood behind me, so I let go of Newt's hand and turned, pulling her into a hug. When we pulled away, I smiled, but I knew my petrified emotions showed, very clearly. She smiled back and turned, walking over to Chuck who was frowning in the corner. Poor kid, he looked even more scared than I did.
The hut fell quiet for a few seconds, and I saw Newt shaking with either anger or fear. I took a step and rubbed his back in affection.
The thing that was outside climbed onto the roof and a hush of gasps sounded. It scurried across the wood and punched its way into the hut, sending me and Newt to stumble back onto our backs
Its arm grabbed on the centre pole, that hold the whole hut together, and pulled. The middle part of the roof collapsed, leading one glader to get caught under it. Thomas rushed forward and I stood up, but the glader was dragged out of the hut and up through the hole.
Next, the griever punched through the wall and grabbed anything it could get its claw on. In this case, it was Chuck. I heard Teresa scream, causing me to fire up and rush forward, grabbing hold of Chuck's hand. Thomas held the other.
"Don't let go!" Thomas yelled as the griever tugged at Chuck's legs.
"No sh*t!" Chuck screeched back.
I pulled and pulled until my arm was straining, Newt grabbed hold of my waist so I wouldn't be pulled away as well. Finally, we managed to drag Chuck away and he landed on Thomas' chest, I landed on Newt's. I looked to see what had happened and how we had got Chuck, when I saw Alby, breathing heavily. He had hit the griever until it let go.
"Thank you," I wheezed, and sat back into Newt's arms.
The panic level decreased and people silenced again as we heard nothing coming from outside.
"Is everyone okay?" Thomas whispered, exhaling as he spoke and gently pushing Chuck off him.
I heard a few "yes"s and some gladers nodded. Most of them now stood in the far corner where the glade wall was, so no grievers could punch through.
Alby was grabbed by a griever.
It happened so fast, I didn't even notice until he was in the air and holding onto the side of the wall. The griever's hairy, gooey arm held onto Alby and I knew it wasn't letting go. Not this time. I struggled to get up, as did Newt, but Thomas reached Alby before us. I stood in my place, knowing I couldn't do anything. Thomas tried reaching up to Alby, but he was too high. I saw Alby murmur something, looking Thomas deeply in the eyes.
Then he let go. He just let go. Alby was gone.
"No!" Newt yelled from behind me and he placed his hands on the side of his head. He sunk to the floor, but I went down with him.
"I'm so sorry," I whispered, a tear glistening in my eye. Thomas and the others ran out, but I stuck behind and cradled Newt into my chest. My arms wrapped around him. "It's okay, it's okay." I murmured into his soft hair. He sobbed into me and I felt a wave of guilt that I didn't do anything to save Alby.
Then I heard a yell outside that came from Teresa and I had to pull away. I stood up as did Newt. I put a finger under his chin and looked him in the eyes.
"Are you okay?" I asked, brushing away a tear from his red, swollen eyes. When he nodded, I flashed a quick smile and rushed out of the hut. What I saw was strange.

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