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I woke up next to nobody in the tree house, arm under a cushion. I squinted at the light peaking through the gaps of the wooden planks. I sat up slowly, then banged my head on a branch.
"Ow!" I whispered, rubbing my head. Looking behind me and beside me, I realized Newt wasn't with me. Struggling to go forward, I wriggled my way out of the tree house and down the ladder.
When I walked through the woods, I heard shouting. Running until I was out of the woods and in the glade area, I saw a group of boys gathered around Thomas and Gally. They seemed to be arguing. No, yelling irrational stuff. I ran over and pushed past the boys until I stood between Gally and Thomas. Thomas was fuming.
"You've been here three days, okay? I've been here three years-' Gally was saying.
"Boys..." I tried interrupting them by putting my hand on each of their chests.
"Yeah and you're still here, Gally. What does that tell you, huh? Maybe you should start doing things a little differently. How about that?" Thomas gestured rudely with his arms.
"Guys, seriously?" I rolled my eyes.
"Maybe you should be in charge, how about that, Thomas? Who thinks Thomas should be in charge?"
"Shut the bloody hell up!" Newt appeared from some boys and silenced the muttering and arguing. "Thank god for that." He ran his fingers through his hair.
"Newt-" Thomas frowned, but was cut off.
"Don't, Tommy." Newt shook his head violently, then walked back out of the circle. I followed after him, then turned back to say something.
"Behave." I demanded, before going off after Newt. "Hey, Newt!" I shouted after him as he walked towards the concrete building. "Newt, wait up!" He didn't seem to hear me. I sped up and sprinted, but Newt already opened the door and walked inside, leaving me to slam my hands against it. Newt had shut the door on me. What was wrong with him?

At breakfast, I sat with Teresa and Chuck at the benches. Breakfast wasn't anything fancy, just some eggs and bread and water.
"What was that all about?" I asked Teresa as I took a bite into my bread.
"I don't know," she responded, shrugging her shoulders and drinking from a cup.
"I know," Chuck chipped in. "Pretty sure they found something, last night. Thomas said it was the Griever's home."
"Like a nest?" I asked.
"Pretty much. They think we should go in, Minho and Thomas." Chuck coughed and laughed at the same time.
Me and Teresa stared at him in shock.
"Grievers? Big, monstrous killing things? And they found the nest. And they want us to... to go in?" Teresa gulped and I agreed.
Chuck only shrugged, continuing with his breakfast.
"Why would they think that's the way out..." I wondered to myself as I ended up being the only one who was interested.

After breakfast, I headed down to the hammocks to change into a different top- I was still wearing the one I had arrived in. Alby gave me a new top at breakfast, and I was walking to my hammock when I spotted Newt lying on his. I rushed over and dropped the spare top on my hammock, leaving myself to stare at him.
"Are you okay?" I narrowed my eyes at Newt, him staring into space, completely ignoring my existence. "Newt?" He snapped out of his trance when I said his name and turned to face me. He smiled grimly when he saw me and sat up slowly.
"What's wrong? I know something's wrong," I asked.
"Nothing, nothing." Newt rubbed his head and I walked over to touch him. He winced at my fingers on his forehead, so I pulled back.
"Sorry." I apologised and went to get my top off my hammock. "Could you turn around a second?" I asked, smiling softly.
"Sure." Newt lay back down with his back not facing me. I went behind the tree that connected my hammock so nobody could see and quickly switched tops. When I walked back out, Newt was asleep on the hammock. I smiled and sat on my own hammock, thinking.
"You havn't told me your name," Newt whispered and I turned my head to see his face, but he was still facing his back to me.
"I didn't find out until later," I tried lying, but I wasn't a good liar.
"Teresa knew. Thomas knew, he was the one who told me your name." Newt mumbled, not moving a muscle. I sat up and flung my legs off the edge of the bed. I leaned my elbows on my knees and sighed.
"I want you to tell me. I already know it, your name, but I want you to tell me." Newt suddenly sat up and sat the same way as me, but he outstretched a hand.
"Hi, I'm Newt."
I laughed nervously and shook his hand. "Hi, Newt. I'm... I'm Riley."
Newt stopped breathing and looked at me in the eyes. His pupils dilated and he got off his hammock, standing up. I did the same. He took my hand, intwining his fingers in mine. His breath was mixed with mine, we were so close. I breathed in, closing my eyes and reached up on my toes... he leaned down...
We kissed. Our lips touched and it spread a burning, electric, warm sensation through me. It was brisk and soft, but it still felt amazing. When we pulled apart I opened my eyes to see a whirlpool of gentle care in my lover's eyes. Newt's eyes.

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