Chapter 24

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Wow. Quick update right. No. Okay then. This chapter is short like all my others.

Dedicated to @UltimateBookworm26 for giving me Percy's nick-name.

The nicknames come in this chapter.

Oh and they are all seventeen. Youngest to oldest in this order.







So Jessica is the youngest but not by much.


Annabeth's POV

"I thought I told you to stay in the infirmary," I say to Percy and Jessica.

They were at the beach swimming in the water. I found them about five minutes after I got to the beach.

"Well we thought the water would help her feel better, and what do you know it did," says Percy with a smile.

I glare at him.

"Please don't be mad at me," Percy says looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

My lips twitch into a smile and I sigh.

"Fine. But we have to get the others. They were looking for you guys, too."

"Why don't you just swim with us?" asks Jessica.

"I don't have a suit," I say.

"Neither do we, Percy taught me how to stay dry. He can keep you dry," she reasons.

"I guess," I say slowly.

"Yay," they cheer.

I slowly walk into the water soaking my clothes.

"Are you going to dry me off or not?" I ask Percy.

"Not," he says with a smile.

"Percy this isn't funny," I say annoyed.

"Kind of is," says Jessica.

"Percy dry me off or I will get you."

"Fine, come here," he replies.

I sigh and start walking. He moves his hand and the water pushes me forward. He grabs my waist

"You were moving to slowly for me."

I roll my eyes and lean in to kiss me.

"Yo, Water Boy, Bird Brain, no kissing in front of me. I don't want my innocent eyes to be scared."

"Your a virgin?" asks Percy.

"Are you seriously asking me that question?" she replies blushing and appalled.

"Yes, now answer me," he says seriously.

"Yes. Okay. I'm a virgin. A seventeen year old virgin. Okay. Never been kissed. Never had a boyfriend. You happy," she says with her arms crossed.

He smiles, "Yes, I am. Now do I have to give you the talk. Cause I will."

"No," she screeches turning red again, "I don't need the talk. I will be fine. I don't even like anyone right now."

"Really I thought we had something special going on," says Leo coming from nowhere. He was behind Jessica in the beach.

Jessica turned around. Her clothes became wet and she blushes again.

"Hey, Leo," she says smiling. He smiles and rolls his eyes.

"So, what are you guys doing?" he asks.

"Hunting elephants," says Percy, "What's does it look like."

"Well I would have said sleeping, but whatever floats your goat," he replies. I roll my eyes.

"Come on in Leo," I say.

He pulls off his shirt, shoes, and socks, and runs into the water.

Now there is a pile of clothes from everyone sitting on the beach.

He goes under and comes back up with his hair flat and sticking against his forehead.

"What now?" asks Jessica.

"Can we join," says a voice from behind me.

We turn around and see Jason and Piper.

"Yeah, come in and join," says Jessica happily.

They take off their clothes and have swimsuits on underneath. The pile of clothes grows bigger.

" So what exactly happened two days ago?" Jason asks to Jessica.

She quiets down immediately. Everyone's faces grew grave.

"Um well you see I had a vision?" she says in a questioning tone.

"About?" Percy asks.

She divulges into her vision.

"Wait.. so they didn't say who it the two they wanted were?And you didn't see their faces?" I asks.

"No and no. They just said that the two would be powerful together," she replies.

I take this into consideration.

"Well someone obviously wants to take over the world. But who?" I say.

"It can't be Gaea. (A/N Spelling) we just got rid of her," says Leo angered.

"No. It can't be her," says Jessica, "the voice was male."

"Okay then. Who is it?" Jason asks.

"I need to tell you guys something," says Piper.

We look at her and nod for her to continue.

"There was a new child of Aphrodite and she asked if Jason and I were close. Then she said that we weren't the two."

"I wonder what's going on?" Percy asks.

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out," I say.

"We should go to bed you guys, we have to go to school tomorrow," says Jessica randomly. .

"Okay Nemo," said Percy.

"Nemo?" she asks with a raised eyebrow.

"You call me "Water Boy" I'll call you Nemo."

They glare at each other.

"Fine," says Jessica. She swims up to the beach, gets out, and walks to the Hermes cabin.

We follow her, but go to our own cabins, ready for school tomorrow.


Yay I updated the next day finally. Hopefully this is longer but I don't know. But whatever. Bye.

Oh yeah dedicated to UltimateBookworm26 for giving me Percy's nick name "Water Boy". I like it.

It reminds me of the boy who brings football players water. So I think of it as Jessica calling Percy weak. Even though that couldn't happen.

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