Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Amber's Pov


I woke up to my little annoying brother banging pans against each other. Which angered me.

"What the fudge cakes? Get out of my room" I yelled at the little twerp. Why is he here, it's a Saturday? Of course he gave me his puppy eyes and asked me the stupidest question ever.

"Cwan woo pway wegos wit mwee. Pweeaase!" Begged the little gremlin. Tyler is a little 3 year old who may look cute, oh but he isn't the angel you'd expect.

"Look I'll play with you leave me alone. Ok?" I said, hoping it will get him to leave me alone.

"Fwine bwut woo gwotta pway wit mwee in tenty mwinutes!" He yelled and then he ran off to do what ever he was up to.

Then my phone rang and I could hear 'Locked out of Heaven' playing. My favorite song by Bruno Mars, my idol. If only I could meet that sexy, hot man...but that'll never happen. My phone then rang again and I grabbed it to see Lucy calling me. Lucy is my best friend. We stick together like two butt cheeks.

I answered the phone to hear a very angry person yelling and all I could hear is blah, blah, blah.

"Oh my gosh. Calm your tits man. What is it?" I yelled calmly into the phone.

"Well, remember we are going to the mall today in 30 minutes. I knew you'd forget so I had to call you." Yelled a not so happy Lucy. Shit, I forgot. Stupid brain can't you remember anything.

"I'm going to get ready now sorry girl. I'll make it up to you. Bye." I said and then I hung up. I ran to bathroom to get ready.


Thanks for reading! Sorry that it's so short. Remember to-





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