Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Amber's POV

I woke up to the sun blinding my eyes. Just what i needed. Beautiful. I got my lazy ass up and went to take a shower. Now what to do today? I then picked up my iPhone and checked for any text messages.

Lucy Goosy sent you a message.

3 missed calls.

Unknown sent you a message.

I wonder who unknown is. I unlocked my screen and checked the message.

Stranger: Hey its Cody. What's up?

Me: Heller Cody! The sky is up and many more things!

I then went to check what Lucy sent me and opened it.

Lucy Goosy: OMG! Guess what? Jose asked me out! AHHHH!

Me: Really!? Haha told you he liked you.

Lucy Goosy: You should text Cody now. :D

Me: Umm. Ok?

That's kinda weird. I opened our messages. and i stared at the screen for what felt like a decade. (hot rapiest is Cody)

Hot Rapiest: I was wondering if you want to go out with me? We can go with Kacey and my brother if you'd like.

Me: Ummm. Idk. I'm not the one to go with strangers.

Hot Rapiest: Well, then can we at least just go as friends with Kacey and Jose?

Oh gawsh. I didn't want to hurt his feelers or anything.

Me: Ok but only as friends cause your still a complete stranger to me.

Hot Rapiest: Ok I'll pick you up in 1 hour?

Me: Do you even know where I live?

Hot Rapiest: Yeah, Kacey told me

Me: Mmmkay. Imma get ready. See ya later.

I went to blow dry my hair and it became really frizzy. Didn't go as planned. I then turned on my straightner and went to look for something to wear while it heated up. I decided to wear a black Aeropostale top with a sleeveless denim jacket that matched my denim jeans. I put my clothes on my bed and did my hair which took like 30 minutes. Tyler then ran into my room and threw a dinosaur at me which made me burn my ear.

"Oww! You made me burn me ear." I yelled at the demon.

"Dwino gwot hwungwy fwor legs swo hwe flwe over hwere and bwit woo leg." He said, innocently.

"Well tell your poopish, brown, fugly dino to fly his butt back to your dungeon!" I angrily yelled to Tyler. I threw his fugly looking toy at him and he grabbed it. His eyeballs looked like they were going to pop out his sockets when his fugly toy fell by his feet.

"AHHH! Dwino, Nwooo! Emwercency, Dwino is dwying!" He yelled and slowly bent down and lifted up the poopie looking thing and ran to his room to do "surgery". At least I'm not the only weird one. I finished straightening my bangs and turned it off. I walked to my door and took a peek outside and quickly locked it just in case a perverted child tried walking in. I put my clothes on and checked my phone.

21 new messages. Thanks Lucy! I opened it and twenty were from Lucy and one was from Cody aka the hot rapiest. I opened his and he said he was coming in five minutes with Kacey and Jose. Not a suprise. I ran to my the kitchen to tell my mom.

"Hey, mom I'm going to the movies with Lucy and some friends" I said. Please don't ask,please don't.

"What friends?" She said. Aww I jinxed it.

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