Chapter 2

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They sat up to what they thought was the closet but, there was a major difference. They could see each other's face. They looked around this new area , and out of the glimpse of her eyes Nova saw a candle, the another, and another.
"Come on!" said Nova as she started to breach over at the trail on candles.
Isaac looked worried, the room to him looked like a nightmare with the tint of red in the atmosphere and the humidity around him.
They started to walk with the trail until they came up upon a bridge with what looked like a river beneath it.
"What is this place?" she asked. She looked down at the water to see her reflection. She wasn't wearing the short shorts and tank top she had been wearing, but, instead a velvet red gown with jewelry and gems. She looked up at Isaac to find him dressed up in a suit and tie.
"Is this a dream?" he asked. "Because it feels somewhat real!" They looked at each other again.
If this was a dream , why did it feel like they were both on it? And what was the meaning of the dream?
They peered forward more into the red fog until they saw a tree. The fog was gone and the red tint was gone from the atmosphere. They spotted grass and flowers. As they came on top of the tree they found a picnic basket. Nova kneeled beside it and opened the basket to find baked goods and a couple juice boxes.
"What the heck?" Asked Nova "What is the purpose of all this?" She sighed. Isaac kneeled beside her and put his arm on her shoulder. "Why not enjoy it why it's lasts?" he said.
He didn't know why he said that the darkness of this dream still creeped him out but he didn't want to waste a time with the girl he cared deep for.
They both sat down under the tree sipping juices and holding hands. They now spotted birds and a sun setting while little clouds danced off into the distance.
"I feel like I could stay here forever!" Nova said. "Me too" said Isaac. He grasped her hand close and kissed it. She layed on his lap staring into his deep blue eyes. She reached up for his face as they kissed once again.
"I love you" he said. "I love you too" Nova said back. They started to drift asleep again.
Suddenly the sky turned to a red color with flames bursting from the tree. The grass turned into rocks, flowers into skulls. The two started to sweat and started to become unconscious.
They heard the faint sound of a woman whisper close to them.
"Sure, have fun for now, with passion and love deep" she snarled, "but be warned there will be consequences and you will burn along with all the other broken relationships in this damned  world!"
A closet door opened on them. They looked up to see Katie and Mason. "Holy crap!" Katie said, "you guys are sweating!" "Were you guys doing stuff in there?" Mason said with a wink and a grin.
Isaac looked over at Nova, she was isn't in a red velvet dress anymore, but she was sweating, she looked worried. Like she knew something, like he knew something, but he couldn't remember what it was.
"Umm" whimpered Nova with fear in her eye.
"Hey Ashley?" Asked Isaac, cutting her off. "I dare you...."

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