Chapter 8

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The text from Katie read, "Hey, I just heard Mason was found dead in his room, I don't know what happened, know one does but we need to go comfort his family... And Madeline"
Nova unplugged her phone from her from the charger. She threw it against her wall and she fell on her bed, weeping in pain.
About an hour later, Isaac called Nova. She didn't want to pick it up but she wanted answers.
"Nova, did you get Katie's text?"he asked frantically. Nova could hear him sniffle. He was good friends with Mason, so she knew it would be a giant weight on his chest.
"Nova, are you still mad at me on what you think what happened in the dream?" he said now clearing his throat. "It's not true, and I wasn't even with anyone, I was running down the hallway!"
She lifted her head up off of the pillow that was soaked in tears, "I don't want to talk about that right now, we need to go meet up with everyone so we can comfort each other and Mason's family."
Isaac agreed. They set up plans for the next day after the funeral so they could all see each other. Nova told Katie and the group the time and place.
The funeral was quiet, too quiet for what Mason was, he was always loud and energetic. The scene wasn't fitting for his taste if he was watching.
Nova stood next to Katie and Isaac. Katie had tears running down her face, she looked as if she could pass out any second. Isaac on the other hand was a statue. He just stood there, no tears, and no expression on his face.
She realized something, she had remembered the dream this time. Why couldn't she remember last time?
She then looked over at Katie again. She was staring at Seth, who was looking at one of Nova's best friends, Kyla.
Katie caught Nova watching her, she went back to fiddling with the pamphlet that everyone received. It read:

Mason Brown

We will miss you dude

After the funeral and buried services, they all drove to the mall. This was one of those places they came to relax. In Mason's memory they were going to hang his favorite shoes in the food court.
It was kinda of a inside joke. Mason used to wear black dress shoes everywhere and when they went to shoe stores he would forget them.
Seth sat down at one of the tables in the court, Katie followed him. Nova was watching from a distance. Katie looked sad as she spoke something to him. She then started to smile and she could briefly hear her say,"Go get her tiger!"
He looked back at Katie and spoke something short and nodded his head. He then got up and started over towards where Kyla was talking to one of the mall cops, telling him about the shoe ritual they would be doing.
Nova say down with Katie, "Hey what happened just then?" She asked softly.
Katie looked at her and smiled,"I was just making things happier for our group."
"Are you sure you're ok with that?" Nova asked. She nodded back, "Yeah, I have kinda decided something," she started to pull something out of her purse, "I've decided to stay here instead of that college in Illinois."
Nova smiled back, "Well I'm really happy you are staying here for a little bit more."
Kyla and Seth walked back to where Katie and Nova were sitting. "Well it's time." Kyla said nervously,"Who wants to do the honors?"
Isaac walked up behind them, "I will!"
The ceremony was sad but a little closure for everyone. Madeline finally showed up at their meeting place with flowers. She didn't say anything, she just had the occasional nod to when someone would ask her a question.
After they all got back into their cars and drove back to their houses where they would all fall asleep again that night.

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