Chapter 5

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It was about six A.M, Nova was hyperventilating. "It's ok, it's ok" Isaac said as he threw his hands around her. He held her tight , "it was just a nightmare!" She stopped, she looked at him, horrified. "I-I  don't remember what it was though!"
Isaac let go of her, he sat and thought to himself . "I don't remember either!"
They looked at each other. Nova now with tears in her eyes rested her head on his shoulder. Isaac clutched her once again, kissing her head. He whispered in her ear ,"It's ok"
They sat on the couch until the others woke up.
"Bye guys!" Katie said waving goodbye to everyone as the walked out the front door. "We should do this more often!" called Madeline as she got into her red volkswagen bug.
"See ya Nova" said Isaac softly as he kissed her and started walking, "I'll text you later!" he's said now running to his old beaten down Ford truck.
Nova waved to him as he pulled out of the driveway. Nova walked over to Katie. "Hey where is Ashley, she's my ride?" Katie looked confused , "She already left"
"What?" She said. "She left me!" Nova yelled. Katie grabbed her keys, "Don't worry I'll give you a ride!" Nova sighed in relief,"Thanks Katie"
They got in the car, Nova noticed storage boxes in the back seat with "College" written on them. "So, what college are you planning on going to?" she said. Katie smiled , "UIC". Nova looked at her, "But isn't it a little early to start packing?" Katie's smile turned into a frown, "Well actually I'm leaving after graduation, I took the scholarship"
"Oh, I see" Nova murmured, "So what about Seth? Katie's eyes grew and she started to blush. "We won't see each other" she said softly, "it's not like there was anything to begin with"
Both of them were silent until Nova spoke up again, "So anyway changing the subject, do you ever get weird dreams?" Katie nodded,"All the time, actually I had a really weird one last night but I don't remember it"
Nova looked away confused and scared, she started looking at Katie's neighborhood, a very middle class area. They passed a nursing home, "Hey, how is your grandparents?" She asked.
"Good, really good actually, when they are with each other they are happy" Katie said. "You were talking about weird dreams right?" she continued. Nova nodded. "Well you know that closet you and Isaac made out, he-he they might have kinda hooked up in there"
Nova looked at Katie in disgust, "What?" she yelled, "What the heck Katie?" Katie smiled nervously, "Yeah I know its weird, but like I guess they started having weird visions after they did it , they went mentally insane for about a month before it stopped, they would tell me love saved them" she rolled her eyes, "Can you believe that?"
Nova looked out the car window again. "Yeah, that's stupid" she said nervously. They pulled into the driveway of Novas house.
"Anyway, thanks!" She said getting out of the car. "Anytime!" Katie replied,"See ya!"
Nova stepped inside her house, it was about noon so her parents weren't home. She went to her room, laid down on her bed with her phone out.

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