Chapter 3

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"No!" Ashley yelled, "that's so gross!". "Come on, it's just a toilet" Seth said. She stared into the face of a toilet while she was on her knees in the bathroom . "Just lick it!" Mason said with a bit annoyance in his voice.  Ashley looked up at Nova, she looked sick like she was about to puke.
"What's her problem?" she snarled. Novas face was pale and she looked weak. "I guess I don't feel so good," Nova said trying to reassure her. "Hey guys we should go to bed after this, you know?" Nova said again.
"Sure" said Mason, "but Ashley has to lick the toilet first!"
Later that night the seven of them slept in the living room. Nova and Isaac sat at one end of the couch, with Nova on Isaac's lap. At the other end was Mason and Madeline leaning on each other, and Katie and Seth were on the floor. They were watching a show on the T.v. When it was about eleven o'clock Ashley turned it off, she went into the bathroom as the rest fell asleep.
Can I just say something? Oh yeah, it's the storyteller again. We are three chapters in right? So why are these kids so, so weird. I don't know it's just that why would these seven kids be sleeping at the same house? How old are they? And why is their a closet in a living room? Jeez, I need to have a talk with the author. Anyway back to the stupid story. Eh hem, so anyway the kids or teenagers maybe, went to sleep not knowing of the things about to happen. I'll be back guys I promise.
Nova squinted her eyes, the brightness was blinding her. "What the heck" she thought . She fully opened her eyes. She saw a sky and open plains around her. She looked around some more. She saw something in the distance. As she approached a hill she saw an elegant palace, built with silver bricks and so tall, she thought it could reach heaven.
"Nova!" A voice said "Is that you? She turned around to find Isaac standing there. Madeline and Katie came charging after him and stopped when they saw her.
"Finally!" Katie said relived. "We've been looking for you forever!"
"Come on guys!" Madeline yelled down down the hill.
Slowly crawled Mason and Seth, out of breath reaching for the next patch of grass trying to climb up. "Does anyone have water?" Mason whined.
"It's so hot!" continued Seth.
Isaac approached Nova some more. "Hey, is this like.." he stuttered.
"Like before?" she answered him. She touched his arm and grasped his hand, pulling him close. "I am kinda scared" she looked back at everyone else. "What about them?" Isaac looked back at them as well.
"Dont be silly!" he said trying to reassure her. "It's nothing, just a dream" They both looked back at the palace in the distance. "Come on guys!" he said with a suddenly confident, even cocky time to his voice. The rest followed him except for Nova. She knew that face, that's the face he gives when he tries not to be scared, but brave. She sighed as she started to walk with everyone else, cheerfully skipping off to the palace.
As they got closer and closer they went through little towns with peasants and farmers, a very medieval scene. "So is this a dream or real life?" whispered Katie to Nova. "I don't know" she replied. "Earlier, when we went into the closet today, we feel asleep but we woke up again and we were in a whole new world and then.." Nova looked down remembering the red tint and the voice. "And then this voice spoke to us, threatening us"
Katie's eyes widened. "What?" Nova asked nervously.
"How do you know it wasn't just another nightmare?" stutterd Katie.
Nova looked up at her, "I know it was real because in dreams, they either go how the person dreaming wants it to go, or how they don't want it to go, like nightmares." Nova said. "But here everyone has control of what is happening and it's not revolving on whoever the dreamer is."
Katie looked around, she saw the merchants and commoners. She could hear all the different conversations, some about how much fish they had caught this week, others about their poverty and fail to get money. "Also, the people and setting aren't random too right?" she pointed out. Nova nodded.
"And" Nova blushed, "because we can actually touch each other". She now thought of the touch of Isaac's hand, and how warm it was in the red darkness.
Their group had finally made it to the palace. There were knights lined up on each side standing tall as the giant colossal doors opened.
"Hey, I should probably say some.." Katie started but she was cut off by the sounds of trumpets being played by the knights. A small man ran out from inside and stopped in front of the group. "Welcome worthy travelers, the queen has been waiting for you up the stairs inside" The man bowed and the knights followed. "My name is Fidele, and may I say your outfits are exquisite!"
The six worthy travelers looked down at what they were wearing , they had been in their pajamas but now, they were in elegant dress wear."Wow", said Seth. "This is weird!"
Isaac kneeled down next to Fidele. "Can you show us the way?" Fidele nodded, "Right this way my guests!" He led them inside the palace, the walls were made of marble, and the scenery was beautiful. They had walked through about fifty rooms before they came up to three staircases. One to the left, one to the right, and one in the center.
"Lets split up!" said Mason. "I agree" Madeline added on. The two headed off left.
"Um ok" said Seth, "me and Katie will go right.
"I guess that just leaves us" said Isaac. All of them started up the stairs, climbing to the top.

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