Jack Sparrow Can Save Me? 2

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Just so you know I made up the crew after the first 8.

When I finally came to I didn't immediately open my eyes. I knew right away that I was not in my bed, in my home, or even on land for that matter. I recognized the rocking beneath me as the rocking of a ship and I could smell and feel salt water splattering my face. I took a deep breath trying to figure out everything before I opened my eyes. I could hear- men arguing? That made fear run cold into my veins. I remembered what had happened clearly and I started to panic. I couldn't hold it any longer. My eyes snapped open and I was staring up at the dark night sky. I rolled over on my side and looked around. I was alone on a ship's deck. The men's voices were coming from behind a closed door on the other end of the ship. I stood up and rocked on the heels of my feet. My head hurt terribly.My dress was filthy and soaking wet. The door from which the voices were coming from suddenly opened making me jump. A man stood in the doorway. No not a man a- a pirate! I was horrified. This was most certainly not the kind of "fun" I had been hoping for. Pirates! I was aboard a pirate ship! I felt sick to my stomach as the man in the door way came forward towards me. I resisted the urge to take a large step back. I studied the man/pirate as he came forward. His hair was dark brown and tied in long braids. I could tell that he was taller than me but not by too much. More pirates suddenly spilled out of the open door and my fear grew even more. I had heard my maids talking about pirates before. About all the horrible things pirates do and how they killed people. I shuttered. The pirate stopped about two feet away from me. I tried not to show my fear but I felt it seeping through. "And who might you be luv?" He asked. He had an English accent so that was good at least. "My name is Victoria." I said but my voice shook despite my brave act. "And Victoria what might you be runnin' from?" He asked an began to walk around me to "take me in". "What makes you think I'm running from something?" I asked as anger spiked through me. "Well you are wearing a wedding gown and my crew found you in a cove alone." He said. He had a point. That would make me think that someone was running from something. "That is really none of your business. Now is it?" I said raising my chin defiantly. He simply laughed. "And who might you be?" I asked. "Why I'm Captain Jack Sparrow. This is my crew. And this is the Black Pearl." He said as he stopped in front of me and motioned to the other pirates and the ship it's self. I raised a delicate eyebrow. "So your telling me that this is The Black Pearl and you areThe Captain Jack Sparrow?" I asked. I had heard my maids telling stories about him and this ship. If this was really the Black Pearl and this was really Captain Jack Sparrow. He grinned. "So you've heard of me?" He ask in an arrogant tone. "That depends are you the same pirate who made a deal with Davy Jones for your ship,got eaten by the Kraken, was rescued from Davy Jones' locker by your crew,killed Davy Jones,and found the fountain of youth?" I asked. His grinned widened. "So you have heard of me." "So why am I here?" I asked bravely staring him down. "Well my crew apparently found you trying to steal our treasure. So they brought you back to the ship. We were just disussing what to do with you." He answered. "Stealing your treasure? You mean those coins? I've been going to that cove since I was a little girl and there wasn't any treasure there last time." I said with shock. He shrugged and turned to his crew. "Wellwe've decided that you should stay here with us. Just think of it as a vacation." My jaw dropped. I was being kidnapped by pirates!? Unbelievable!"So I think introductions are in order. Crew this is Victoria. Victoria this is..." The he pointed to each crew member and said their names. "Marty, Pintel, Ragetti, Anamaria, Ho-Kwan, Cotton, Cotton's Parrot, Gibbs, Joss, Issac, Edmund, Tar, Oliver, and Smith." I instantly liked Anamaria because she was well a she. I had no idea what to say now. Turns out I didn't have to. "Alright. Back to work!" Jack bellowed and the crew scattered. "Come. Have a drink with me. Tell me you'r story." Jack said and beckoned me towards the inside. I followed him with hesitance. When I stepped into the room he closed the door behind us. He lead me to a table that had food settled on top of it. "Feel free." He said motioning to the food. I didn't let myself think of where he'd gotten it. Probably stole it. But I was extremely hungry. I sat down and took a branch of grapes and began to chew a few. Jack grabbed a bottle and sat down across from me taking a sip. "So tell me Victoria. What is your story?" He asked as I took a little more food. "Well for starters my full name is Victoria Elizabeth Shaw." I said and he made a go on motion with his hands. "Well I was supposed to be married today. But I couldn't do it. I ran away, went to the cove and well you know the rest." I said coldly. He nodded. "And before that? You look very familiar. I know we haven't met but by any chance to you know Elizabeth Swann?" He asked. That got my attention. "How do you know my cousin?" I asked.

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