Jack Sparrow Can Save Me? 7

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Sorry it took so long to update guys! I've been really busy lately. And sorry it's really short but I liked the way I ended it. I'll try to update faster. :D

The next two days went on the same way. Jack and I fought during the day and I slept in his bed at night. Nothing ever happened. But every time I thought of it, it made me blush furiously. On the second day, around three in the afternoon Marty screamed, "Land! And enemy ships!" Jack raced up the and bent over the ships railing to peer into the distant with a telescope (thingy). "Who are they?" I asked. I could just make them out in the distance, they were headed for the land also. "Hmmm. Looks like Spanish and the Chinese. Also looks like they've been out here for quite a while." Gibbs said to me. I swallowed hard. "Uhrrr! Why am I always the last to find out about treasures?" Jack exclaimed. I pressed my lips together to keep from laughing. "Orders Captain?" Gibbs asked glancing at Jack. Jack thought for a moment. I could see it on his face. "I want that treasure Gibbs. Let's fight. Take it to land. Everyone with me, except for.... Ragetti, Cotton, and Victoria." He nodded, pleased with himself. I frowned and followed him as he walked towards the lowered row boat. "Jack. I want to go." I said. "No. Luv you are inexperienced and well not exactly the best there is. No offense. But luv you'd get yourself killed. And if you got yourself killed that would be very bad for me because your dear cousin Elizabeth would hunt me down, and... kill me." He said it in his normal haughty tone but I could tell he was mostly being serious. I sighed and nodded. "Fine." I said. They left quickly after loading up with weapons. I watched them sail towards the land. I could barely make out the sounds of fighting in the  distance. I sighed and walked towards the top deck. Cotton was at the wheel with his parrot flying above him. I went up the stairs and stood at the back, staring out over the water. I wondered who would win. I could see how people would want the jewels. They were jewels that could control the winds and tides. What sailors wouldn't want them? I wondered also briefly what the jewels would look like.  I gazed out at the horizon. The sun was setting. I blinked and peered into the distance when I noticed another ship. "Um... Ragetti? Do you know who's ship that is?" I called down to him pointing to the direction of the ship. He turned to look and his eyes widened and his face got even paler. "Who is?" I asked startled at his reaction. "That's the Queen Anne's Revenge." He said quietly. I blinked again. "Blackbeard's ship?" I asked curiously. Cotton's parrot answered this time.... "Not anymore. Not anymore." He squalked. Ragetti nodded. "Not anymore. It's Barbossa's now."

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